The Usurper from the Wilds 30-31

Start from the beginning

“Yeah, he was incredible. You wouldn’t have believed it, y/n!” Deuce basically shouted and I laughed softly, shaking my head before hissing out in pain as my head began to throb. I held my hand over my head groaning softly. 

“Now I get why everyone thinks he’s invincible. I can’t even imagine taking him down.” Ace shook his head… Fuck I missed out on meeting Malleus Draconia… 

“And with that attitude, you never will. You’ve let him beat you before you even face him. I haven’t, though. Next year, I’m taking Diasomnia down. And I’ll win by givin’ it everything I got.” Jack pumped his fist in the air as he growled out, an intense look on his face, he wasn’t kidding around… It’s adorable actually. 

“Does ‘everything’ happen to include your capacity for evil?” Leona mocked Jack. 

“That doesn’t sound like remorse to me… Have you learned nothing from all this?” I reprimanded Leona for his behavior, though my voice was quiet as I shot him a glare, he turned his head to face me.

“Remorse? Who says I g otta have remorse? Pfft, I didn’t realize we were in an after-school special here. I’m givin’ next year’s tournament all I got, too. And I am gonna do whatever it takes to win.” Leona spoke with a sly smile as he looked over to me, waiting to see if I said anything in response. 

“Shyeheehee! There’s the Leona I remember.” Ruggie laughed at Leona. 

“I can already tell this isn’t gonna end well.” Jack mumbled out and shook his head as he looked towards me, 

“Next year, I wanna be in the tournament for real!” Grim hopped up next to my head and rested one of his paws on my forehead gently as he spoke. 

“We need to practice so we can make the cut too.” Deuce added onto Grim’s sentence. 

“Yeah, no kidding. Now way do I wanna embarrass myself in Grim’s kiddie league again.” As soon as Ace finished talking I kicked him out of my bed. “OW! I was joking! Geez…” He stood up after falling down on his ass, he went and sat on one of the chairs nearby instead. 

“Unca! There you are! I finally found you!” I sat up upon hearing the childs voice that shouted from the barely open door. I could see a little red headed boy. 

“Myah? What's a kid doin’ here?” Grim hopped in-between my legs and rested his little paws on my knee as he sat down, tilting his head in confusion. 

“Unca Leona!” The little boy ran to Leoan’s bed and tried climbing in, laughing loudly as he did. 

“Baaah. The screech box found me.” Leona complained, but I don’t think he was really bothered as he stealthily put his hand closer to the edge, giving the little boy a leverage to pull on. “That furball’s my brother’s son, Cheka. You know… my nephew.” Leona huffed out. 

“Your nephew?!” Everyone shouted and I quickly shushed them as my head began to throb. 

“So this is who’s next in line for the throne…?” Ruggie stated as he looked over the little boy and shook his head. 

Cheka had managed to climb into Leona’s bed and sat on his knees at his uncle’s side, placing his hands on Leona’s side as Cheka looked at Leona with wonder. “I saw you play, Unca! You were so cool! Next time I visit, teach me how to play!” Cheka shouted and Leona groaned loudly. 

“Fine, fine. Just stop screamin’ in my ear.” Leona sat up and let the boy climb into his lap as Leona began to look around. “Where’re all your attendants? They gotta be tearin’ their hair out lookin’ for you!” 

“I couldn’t wait to see you, Unca, so I left them all behind! Hee hee!” Cheka began to laugh loudly as he cuddled up to Leona, who huffed loudly but didn’t push the little boy away… I think Leona does truly care about Cheka. 

“So.. the source of all Leona’s anguish..” Jack started out, mumbling as he looked at Cheka, tilting his head.

“Is this innocent angel?” I doted on Cheka as I finished Jack’s sentence, Cheka looked towards me and giggled, waving his hand at me and I waved back, sitting up and not caring about my pain any more. 

“Shut up, all of you! And stop gawkin’ at us!” Leona shouted, growling slightly as he glared at us all, Cheka still laughing and giggling. 

“So when are you coming to see us, Unca? Next week? And when’s the next time after that? Did you read all the letters I sent you?” little Cheka climbed up onto Leona’s stomach, bouncing slightly as he laughed, blabbing on and on. 

“Look, I told you, I’ll be back for the holidays— Ow! That hurts! Get offa my stomach!” Leona grunted as the boy kept bouncing on Leona’s stomach, laughing loudly… he really does love his unca doesn’t he? 

“He’s riding Housewarden Leona like a horse…?!” Jack looked bewildered at Cheka’s behavoir… Leona’s not stopping the boy though.. Is he scared of hurting the boy’s feelings? 

“Pfft… Ah ha ha ha! This is priceless!” Ruggie snickered, trying to hide his laughter before bursting out into a laughing fit. “So THIS is why you never want to go home to visit your family!” Ruggie kept laughing. 

Cheka turned his little head to look at us, his ears twitching slightly as he tilted his head with curiosity, he stopped bouncing on Leona and slid off the bed with a small grunt before he walked over to the group that stood around my bed, looking at all of us. “Are you all Unca Leona’s friends?” He asked. 

“Heh heh. Yeah, we sure are! We’re your Unca’s besties! Ain’t that right, ‘Unca Leona’?” Ace snickered as he copied the way Cheka said Unca Leona. 

“U-Unca Leona…! Ahaha—- OWWWW! Argh, it hurts so much when I laugh…” Ruggie dubled over, holding onto his side with a look of pain on his face, I turned slightly, kicking my legs over the side of the bed so I was sitting on the edge. 

Cheka walked over and looked up at me with a small smile on his face. “Go ahead, laugh it up. I’m gonna remember this!” Leona spat out a glare on his face.

“Unca Leona carried you after you got a boo-boo!” Cheka smiled up at me and pointed up to my head, I heard Leona ‘tsk’... This kid is adorable…. Now I want kids. 

After a while of us all laughing, Cheka’s attendants came and got him and we slowly filed out of the infirmary after me and Leona were given permission to leave. I decided to go take a shower to clean off the sweat and mud after I got back to my dorm. 

As I entered my bedroom to grab some pajamas and there were new ones waiting for me on my bed, along with some underwear, I grabbed them and went to go take a shower.

Before the shower I stood infront of the mirror, looking at myself in the mirror, Leona’s magic did some damage on me, there were crack like scars on my body, there were cracks that went down my chest and stopped at the bottom of my sternum, there were cracks on my neck and shoulder, I couldn’t see my back to see the damage he caused there, I sighed and hopped into the shower. 

after the shower when I went to put on a pair of underwear… It had cats all over them..

I sighed and undid the pajamas… It was a cat onesie… First he got me cat pjs and those awful ‘sweet dreams’ cupcake pajamas… And now THIS?! I sighed and put it on, along with my bonnet. 

I came into the bedroom, pushing the door open. “Grim, are you already asleep?” I looked towards the bed only to see Grim snoring away on the bed. I chuckled and shook my head, taking off my glasses and  climbing into the bed with him and wrapping him up in my arms. “Good night, Grim.” I kissed his forehead. 

I opened my eyes and looked at the mirror, it was now in the middle of the night. “Is… the mirror…. Shining?” I mumbled to myself as I looked towards the mirror. I saw a figure staring back at me from the corner of the mirror and I felt my heart jump in fear, I rolled over, my back towards the mirror as I closed my eyes tightly. 

As the morning came and I opened my eyes again… What was the deal with the black shadow?... it was gone as I sat up and put my glasses back on… maybe it was a trick of the light?

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