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Chapter 71

Because Tuo Gen also left, the pleasant sun, sea and beach disappeared with him, leaving only the original dark and simple residence.

The real person who was forced to stay was not unhappy at all. On the contrary, he even hummed happily and rummaged around.

"Hey, what do you think they did?" the black-haired curse spirit who was tied to the chair asked as if he was bored.

Masato came to him with a bunch of things in his arms and choked out: "What does it have to do with you?"

"It really has nothing to do with me..." Dazai Osamu gently passed over the strange utensils thrown on the floor. There was no waver in his eyes. He looked at the real person and said with a smile, "But it has something to do with you."


Liuhu hesitated between going to find Herringbone Hercules or go with Xia Youjie, and finally chose the latter option. Otherwise, the Su Nuo container is there and cannot be escaped.

Also coming with him were Tuo Gen and Fujii Hyoye.

Lehu is not familiar with Fujii Hyoye at all, but her intuition may be related to him.

Because Xia Youjie was so secretive and secretive, he originally thought he would go to some special place, but he didn't expect that he would end up going to those fake human cities.

A place called Yokohama.

Although it is located within the Tokyo metropolitan area and is not far from the Halloween incident, this port city does not seem to have been too affected by the Shibuya disaster.

It is still a scene of bustling, noisy and busy traffic. Even the repressive elements permeating the air are much less than in other cities. It is almost the same as in the past.

Luohu felt a little strange, but that didn't stop him from hating the excitement. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

Kensuo did not answer him directly, but instead chatted, and suddenly brought up a topic that had been discussed for a long time -

"What do you think of these ordinary humans?"

Liuhu glanced at him, not quite understanding what he meant by what he said now. , but still replied with disdain: "Humph, of course they are inferior races that need to be eliminated."

After a pause, he added, "But if you want to turn them into beings like you, I have no problem with them."

Although the final results may be slightly different, the essential purpose is the same, which is why they cooperate.

"But in my eyes, to a certain extent, there is no difference between you." Kensuo said.

"?" Luohu was stunned for a moment, then his face darkened, "What do you mean?"

"Don't be so quick to get angry, I'm not targeting the curse spirit itself, so you can't be called weak." Kensuo chuckled, "But for The understanding of this world is just as mediocre and ignorant... but it is understandable. After all, most of you were born late. In your simple thinking, you think that after solving the five enlightenments, you can do whatever you want and create a curse. "The new world of spirits."

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