Chapter 10

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The following morning, Leigh was sleeping in her camp bed, having spent the entire night analyzing documents, was now tired and had given her team the mission to do it in her stead.

And now, Darnell was waking her up before leading her to their laptop, which showcase notes they had taken while analizing the documents seized the night before. And said documents showed several Chinese officials had been paid to set the two assassination attempts on the US delegation as the result of Western individuals who had sympathies towards right-leaning politics. Even if it meant having American military personel and diplomatic staff killed in violation of the 1962 Vienna Convention.

Leigh was shocked but knew she first had to the Launderer, who had provided money to these groups. She knew they had to follow the money if they were to find the culprit and discover who that person is.

But for now, Leigh had to make do with the discoveries she had at hand while the already-captured suspects were being interrogated by other Intelligence units and organizations. However, Leigh also heard some good news from the squad. And said good news said President Barnes had gotten the evidence Leigh and her team had gathered, upon which President Barnes had decided to break any negociation with the Chinese authorities about the American military presence in the Luzon Sea. Other good news were the American delegation had safely returned to the US while leaving the Chinese government an ultimatum.

And said ultimatum was to either surrender the corrupt officials or to suffer the consequences of a refusal.

Needless to say, Leigh and the others had also evacuated China and were now on a US base in the Spratley islands while the US delegation was now testifying before the UN General Assembly of the assassination attempt against the American diplomats as well as the US Intelligence community testifying before that very assembly and showing them the evidence found during the investigation.

However, Leigh had a bad feeling about the intel they found since she saw the conspiracy involved not only Chinese officials but also none other than a notorious person who happened to be none other than the sole Kennedy member to be a pro-dictatorship and conspiracy theorist.

DEFCON Year New Generation: Leigh BartonWhere stories live. Discover now