34: Ring

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You had just came back from your study from meeting with Illumi. You closed your door and leaned back on it as you slumped your shoulders with a sigh from the overwhelming information you were just told. Your eyes averted to the shiny ring on your finger, with another sigh, you took it off as you clenched it hard in your palm.

You walked towards your well-made bed with heavy shoulders, a lot had happened in a span of a day. You didn't know what to think of first, should you think about the arrangement? Or your curse? Both were making you uneasy as it both had deadlines.

You crashed on to your bed, back first and arms spread out. You let out an exhausted sigh as you stared at to the chandelier that lit your whole room. With your engagement ring in your palm, you brought it close to your face to examine the stone.

You've decided that you were going out the next day in order for you to clear your head and look for an exorcist while you're at it. However, with your disobedience from your last mission and the arrangement that you had already agreed to, you needed permission.

All of the sudden, your thoughts were interrupted by a sudden knock, breaking the silence that you need in order for you to think. With a sigh, you stood up from your comfortable position to open the heavy door.

"Master Y/N," It was Hiroko. How unexpected of them to report in a time such as this.

"I had almost forgotten to hand you my present. Please, accept this simple token from me, master Y/N." With a polite and formal tone, Hiroko reached out the small box using both of their gloved hands lowering their head.

"How unexpected, you never got me a present before." You commented with a lighthearted tone as you received the little box, you wondered what could it be.

"My apologies, master Y/N." Hiroko's head remained low as you accepted the box.

"Don't worry. I was surprised is all."

"Well then, I hope it is to your liking, master Y/N. I shall leave you be as there are plenty of things you have to sort out. If you require me, please request my presence and I will come right away." You nodded with soft eyes.

You noticed Hiroko shifting their eyes onto your ring finger. "Have a good night, master Y/N and Congratulations." Before you could thank your butler, Hiroko bowed with urgency and left right away, leaving you stunned and unable to thank them.

As Hiroko's figure faded from your sight, you were left with the slender box on your hand. You scanned it before untying the neatly tied ribbon that wrapped the present, revealing a pair of hairpins that had an intricate design. The hairpin had a sharp tip that can be used as a weapon, it was meticulous carved with a [Favorite Color] gemstone in the middle.

With the exquisite pair of hairpins between your fingers, you had a subtle smile on your lips as you closed your heavy door with just your shoulder as both of your hands were full. You were pleased by the thought that your butler had gave you something for such a trivial occasion.

You had failed to notice the familiar emerald green velvet box on your bedside table when you entered your room, you recalled Illumi holding it earlier in the morning before submitting yourself to your well-deserved punishment. You let out a huh as you approached the box. You sat on the side of your bed as your hands reached out to the object, gently placing it on your lap.

When you opened the emerald velvet box, you were greeted with a blinding sight of a shiny jewelry, it was a necklace imbedded with crystals and a [ Favorite Color ] gemstone as the pendant. You blinked twice from the sight of the luxurious present sparkling in its container. You were taken aback by the thought of Illumi remembering what color you were fond of, you never really told anyone, other than owning items that's the same colors.

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