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Romero is a highly skilled forensic expert. With his extensive knowledge in analyzing crime scenes, collecting evidence, and studying DNA samples, he can provide valuable insights and help identify the perpetrators of these crimes.

Lula is an exceptional profiler. She possesses the ability to analyze criminal behavior and patterns, allowing her to create detailed profiles of potential suspects. Lula's expertise will help the team narrow down their search and identify the motives behind these murders.

Freddy is a gifted hacker. With his advanced technological skills, Freddy can access encrypted information, trace digital footprints, and uncover hidden connections. His expertise in cybercrimes and online investigations will provide the team with crucial evidence and leads.

Zaffer is a diligent undercover and good in solving complex murder cases. He has a sharp eye for detail and a knack for connecting seemingly unrelated pieces of evidence. Zaffer's intuition and investigative skills will be invaluable in piecing together the puzzle and catching the culprits.

Together, these four individuals form a specialized team that is well-equipped to handle these mysterious murder cases. Their unique skills and expertise complement each other, allowing them to approach each case from various angles and increase the chances of solving these crimes. With their determination, intelligence, and resourcefulness, they will stop at nothing to bring justice to the victims and ensure the safety of the community.

As Zaffer stepped off the plane and into the waiting arms of Mark, the weight of his past successes and failures hung heavy in the air. Mark wasted no time in diving into the purpose of their meeting, laying out the stakes of the case awaiting Zaffer's attention.

"It's essential to consider the consequences and potential impact on my reputation before engaging me in this case. If I fail, it could tarnish my standing," Zaffer cautioned, acutely aware of the fragility of his professional reputation.

Mark's response painted a tantalizing picture of the rewards awaiting Zaffer should he succeed in unraveling the intricate puzzle before him. The promise of acclaim and recognition, akin to his father's esteemed legacy, sparked a glimmer of determination within Zaffer's soul.

Yet, beneath the surface of ambition and aspiration, Zaffer's thoughts turned to his father, a once-revered figure now engulfed in the shadows of despair. The specter of his father's suffering loomed large, a haunting reminder of the personal cost of pursuing justice in a world fraught with darkness.

As they arrived at the department, Mark introduced Zaffer to his new colleagues, Lula and Freddy, both esteemed detectives in their own right. Despite his reservations about working in a team, Zaffer begrudgingly accepted the reality of their collaboration, recognizing the necessity of pooling their collective talents to crack the case.

Freddy's attempt at camaraderie was met with a wince of pain from Zaffer, a physical manifestation of the wounds that ran deeper than the surface. Yet, in the face of adversity, Zaffer maintained a facade of stoicism, brushing off the discomfort with a forced smile.

Mark's final words offered a glimpse of respite amidst the storm, promising shelter and support for their journey ahead. With the weight of expectation pressing down upon them, Zaffer and his newfound companions prepared to embark on a quest for truth that would test the limits of their resolve and redefine the meaning of justice.


In the morning Lula, Zaffer and Freddy were arriving at the 1st crime spot.

When they arrived at the bungalow, Lula was very curious as it was her first case after a long time. They assayed the bungalow inch by inch but they did not get any clues about the case.

Zaffer enquired about the case to a police officer.

The Police said that the people who are living in this street noticed that the girl who died didn't come outside that day.

Her friends came to the bungalow and called her. But she didn't answer. So, they inform her parents. And, they called her uncle who is the police.

Leo: Why shouldn't it be a suicide?

Police: Sir, the girl hanged above a fish tank. But she did not die by the line.

Lula: Do you get any clues?

Police: No mam.

"Leo, the murder must be done in the middle of the night said Zaffer.

The police who stood beside him said that there was no evidence for the time.

The body was sent to forensic, for further information talk to Mr. Steve Romero, forensic department head.

When they were about to leave Lula asked "How could you say that the murder must be done at midnight?

"By the sense", said Zaffer with a smiling face.

When they reach the department, Lula received a call from Mr. Mark.

"Hello Lula, any progress in the case?'' asked Mark.

"No Sir, for now there is nothing; the murderer must be clever enough to not leave any clues. But we are more intelligent than him. Soon we will catch him" said Lula.

In the evening, Zaffer arranged a meeting with Mr. Romero, forensic officer to have a little talk about the case. When Romero arrived, Zaffer was surprised to see him, as he was his neighbour.

Hello, Sir I am Lula Zolin, he is Freddy Leo and he is Zaffer Jino said Lula by shaking his hands.

"Hi, Nice to meet you. I am Steve Romero."

Your mother calls you Prince asked Zaffer.

Yeah, It is my pet name said Romero.

Lula gave a weird look at them. Zaffer noticed her and gave an answer to her gesture by saying he was my neighbour.

We called you to know about the results said Zaffer.

I am sorry to say this. We tried a lot to find out the way of death but we couldn't.

It's sure that she did not die by the line. And we found some dew drops in the corpse. So it's clear that she must be outside in the dawn.

So, she died in the morning, asked Freddy.

No, she was dead at night around 11 to 12'o clock outside her house and hanged after the dawn inside her house said Romero.

So it's clear that it is a murder, said Freddy.

And they talked about the case for almost 90 minutes.

To be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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