unexpected serenade

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The college garden, alive with the vibrant hues of twilight, served as a backdrop to Hansika's contemplation. As the sun dipped below the horizon, its dying light seemed to crown her with an ethereal glow. She was a solitary figure amongst the blooms, her thoughtful gaze tracing the patterns of the petals and leaves.

Vedika's voice broke her reverie, a gentle nudge back to the present.

"Hansika, what's on your mind?"

Hansika turned, her eyes clear and focused.
"The future," she replied.
"And how we carve a path that's truly our own."

They spoke of dreams and ambitions, Hansika articulating her vision with a passion that was infectious. She didn't just want success; she wanted to redefine it, to make her mark on the world in a way that couldn't be erased.

Vedika listened, impressed by her friend's depth. Hansika's perspective on life was like her art-vivid, bold, and unapologetically true to itself.
They fell into an easy conversation, discussing topics ranging from love and marriage to their aspirations for the future.

Hansika: "Do you ever think about what you want in a partner?"

Vedika: "All the time. I want someone who's compassionate and driven, someone who shares my values."

Hansika shared her dreams of becoming a renowned artist and writer, while Vedika spoke passionately about her desire to make a difference through her work in healthcare.

As they delved deeper into their conversation, the topic of Daivy surfaced, his recent confession of love still fresh in their minds.

Vedika: "What do you think about Daivy?"

Hansika sighed, her thoughts drifting to the events of the past few days.

Hansika: "Honestly, I'm not sure. It caught me off guard, for sure. But... I just don't see him in that way."

Vedika nodded in understanding, her own thoughts mirroring Hansika's.

Vedika: "I feel the same way about Nikhil. He's a great guy, but... I don't think I'm ready for something like this."

Before they could delve further into the topic, the tranquility of the garden was shattered by the sound of commotion nearby.

Hansika: "What's going on over there?"

They exchanged a puzzled glance before making their way towards the source of the disturbance.

As they approached, they were met with a scene straight out of a movie. Daivy and Nikhil stood at the center of a small crowd, their faces illuminated by the glow of the setting sun.

Daivy: "Hansika, I love you!"

Nikhil knelt before Vedika, a ring held out in his trembling hand.

Nikhil: "Vedika, will you be mine?"

Hansika and Vedika exchanged a stunned look, their hearts pounding in their chests as they processed the magnitude of the moment. Without a word, they turned and walked away, their thoughts consumed by the whirlwind of emotions swirling within them.


The bar was a stark contrast to the serenity of the college garden, the air charged with tension and the murmur of voices.
Hansika and Vedika sought a quiet corner, but the peace they desired would not be theirs tonight.

A group of men approached, their intentions evident in their swagger. Hansika rose, her presence commanding despite the chaos. She met their advances not with fear, but with a strength that came from within.

RATHORE DOMINION: Saga of vengeance Where stories live. Discover now