Chapter One

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The halls of Thayan High School buzz with the energy of a new semester, with students chattering and lockers slamming shut. Among them, walked Chaiya Tenalen, his posture straight, radiating confidence as he knew that the school was his to be controlled. As the student council president, he was used to the weight of first-day responsibilities, it was nothing new to him.

Down the hall, walking towards him in a black leather jacket, was an unfamiliar newcomer whose arrival had sent several chills through everyone watching. His eyes didn't meet any of his observers' as if he was uninterested in knowing whether they were looking at him or not.

Chaiya fell victim to the staring and his head snapped back as the new student walked right past him, his cologne smacking him in the face.

"Hey Chaiya," a voice called out from behind him, pulling him back to reality. It was Dao, his vice president and right-hand man. "You ready for Spanish class?"

Chaiya forced a smile, turning to face Dao. "Yeah, just a bit distracted today, I guess."

Dao nodded sympathetically, his eyes reflecting his own inner battle. "Tell me about it. Haven't slept in days."

"Family drama?" Chaiya asked, already knowing the answer.

Dao answered tight-lipped, "Always."

Chaiya swung his arm over his friend's shoulder in comfort. "One more year and then you're out of there for good."

They started walking to their first class of the year. "Hopefully the damage isn't permanent."


Chaiya and Dao are seated together working on their "about me" papers as the teacher lectures at the front of the room. The atmosphere is tense with whispers circulating about the new student, Moon, who has stirred up quite a buzz among the student population.

Glancing up from his paper, he nudges Dao discreetly. "Have you heard about the new kid, Moon?"

Dao looks over at his friend, eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah, I've heard a few things. Apparently, he's got quite the reputation from his old school."

Chaiya frowned, "I hope he doesn't cause too much trouble. We've already got our hands full with the terrible trio."

Distracted from their conversation, Dao's attention is now on something or someone else. Chaiya follows his friend's gaze pointing at the subject of their discussion. Moon leans against the doorway, a bored expression plastered on his face as Mr. Kim rambles on about nothing.

"Look at him, he's practically oozing detention." Dao comments.

Moon nods casually to the teacher before sauntering over to an empty seat near the back of the classroom, drawing the attention of the entire class.

"He definitely knows how to make an entrance." Chaiya watched Moon with a wary gaze. "I'm going to keep an eye on him."

As the period progresses, Moon catches the eye of Benz, who sits in the seat next to him. With a sly grin, Benz gestures for Moon's attention.

"So, Moon, right? I'm Benz. New to Thayan High? Gotta be rough spending your last year of high school around strangers."

Moon shrugs, but a flicker of interest crosses his eyes. "Could be worse. At least the people here don't seem like complete dumbasses."

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