Chapter 85

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[[TW: SH (Mentions)]]

Toby paused as the boy collapsed and returned ore to normal, forcing the shadow back into his body. He looked up as Sam came around the corner. Sam's eyes were yellow, he was mad. Toby took a step away from the boy.

"I didn't hurt him. I swear. I was in control," Toby said quickly.

"Ok," Sam responded, before he came over and knelt down next to the boy. He was breathing quite heavily and his eyes were opening and closing as though he was going to pass out. Sam went to move the boy onto his side but the boy cried out as Sam put his hand on his back. He retracted his hand and noticed a seeping blood stain starting to come through the shirt.

"Help me," Sam said to Toby. They carefully helped the boy to his feet. The boy tried to push them away but was extremely weak. He was bleeding quite a lot from his chest and left side. They managed to get him into a well-lit area, but not to a first aid area, as it was too far away and the kid was getting worse. Vanessa had caught up with them and began arguing with Sam on what to do, while Toby took off his own hoodie and tried to use it to clean up the blood.

"Sam, he's clearly a ghost so how do we treat that much of an injury?" Vanessa asked sharply.

"I don't know! I'm not an expert at this stuff!" Sam responds. Delilah came back down the hallway and ended up assisting Toby and taking the lead to help the boy. She made note of the short sleeved shirt Toby was wearing and the state of his arms but said nothing about it. After a few more minutes of the two arguing, Delilah turns to scold them.

"You two are not helping this situation," she snapped at Sam and Vanessa. Sam crossed his arms.

"Well what can we do? It looks like part of his ribs has collapsed," Vanessa said. Toby stood nearby, watching the boy and Delilah.

"I know how to help him if that's true. Michael had his insides scooped, he didn't have most of his ribs," Delilah responded, "But I need a lot of first aid kits. The poor kid is clearly one of us."

"How many do you need?" Vanessa asks. Sam uncrossed his arms and prepared to walk away.

"At minimum 4 first aid kits," Delilah said. Vanessa nodded.

"I'll check on Devon too while I'm getting them. Sam, come help. Toby... You do you," she sighed and left, the tall man tailing after her. Toby watched the boy struggle to breathe.

"What happened to him do you think?" he asked, looking away as Delilah moved the bloodied shirt the boy was wearing to look at the wound. The boy groaned and tried to move away from her hand.

"I don't know hun... Do you want my jacket?" she asked, sitting back, and looking at Toby. She was unaffected by the blood coming from the boy's side. Toby tipped his head at her before remembering he'd taken off his hoodie.

"Oh... No thank you. I'm fine right now..." Toby responded, crossing his arms and keeping his wrists close to his body. She nodded and then looked back at the boy on the floor.

"Hey hun... What's your name?" she asked. He was conscious, wheezing, but it was clearly because he was in pain. He turned his head to look at her.

"Edward," he said softly. She nodded.

"Hi. I'm Delilah. This is Toby. The two grumpy pants from earlier were Sam and Vanessa. We just want to help you," Delilah smiled. Edward looked at her.

"You don't need to... I've already died once," Edward muttered.

"So have we. Except Vanessa. It's not a fun experience. Do you mind telling us what happened to you?" Delilah asked. Toby began to pace behind her.

"Truck," Edward responded, having issues speaking. Toby paused and looked over Delilah's shoulder at Edward.

"I see... I'm going to touch your side ok?" she says softly. The boy goes to argue but ends up nodded. She gently moved her hand to the bleeding wound and leaned closer to get a closer look. He groaned and moved his legs in pain as she looked at it.

"Can I help?" Toby asked.

"You're ok with blood?" she asked. He made a hand movement to gesture he was mostly ok with it.

"Ok... Well sit here next to me, I need you to just be here in case I need something. Where the hell is Sam and Ness..." Delilah grumbled. Toby sat next to her and looked away as she moved the skin around the open wound. Edward tried to push her hand away and gritted his teeth.

"Alright hun, I'll stop for now," she pulls her hands back and rests them to not get blood too much on the jeans she's wearing. They sat in silence for a few moments, before Toby said something.

"How old are you?" he asked.

"13," Edward responded. He was staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Where are you from?" Toby asks.

"I can't remember," Edward closed his eyes and gritted his teeth again as he inhaled.

"What do you remember?" Delilah asks.

"I don't know..." he sighed. Toby shifted. He didn't know how to help in this situation. Vanessa and Sam came back quickly and set the first aid kits with Delilah. She instructed Toby on how to help her as Vanessa spoke with him about Devon and Sam went to find Freddy on Vanessa's instruction. 

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