Chapter 82

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Devon sat with Reed and Sarah in Sarah's room, since they were staying out of trouble. Reed sat on the floor against the wall, Sarah laid down on a beanbag and Devon laid on his stomach, resting on his elbow and looked at them.

"Are you sure you're ok man? You keep taking in air harsher than you should be," Reed asked.

"Toby is crying and it means I can't get air in as easy," Devon grumbled.

"I hope he's ok," Sarah said, "It was very brave of him to stand up to her."

"I don't know why he did that. It definitely wasn't the rabbit's doing," Devon explained.

"Can you hear it?" Reed asked.

"No," Devon sighed, "But I can feel when it talks and it went silent when he got angry. His eyes even went white, which is usually the rabbit but I don't think it was this time," Devon explained. Sarah and Reed nod and then the room settles into silence.

"... I don't like it here," Sarah muttered.

"Why? Free food, free water, free shelter," Devon listed the good things about the Pizzaplex.

"All the adults hate each other. Everyone's mad. We are crammed into this one building. On top of that, we have nothing to do anymore besides wait for someone to show up," Sarah responded.

"I'm stuck here with my killer. I'm not having too good of a time," Reed chimed in.

"All the animatronics here remind me of my killer. They have to do the same for you," Sarah sighed.

"Ok. I see your points, and yes, Freddy does remind me of the suit that killed me, but I was the first one to come back, I had to get used to it," Devon snaps, "I didn't think anyone would come back after me, I didn't really want anyone to."

Sarah looked at him, here sunken back robotic eyes looked at him sadly. Reed sighed and put his head in his hands and tapped his foot anxiously. Devon looked between them and then stood up and left the room. Neither of them said a word as he left. He stormed through the hallways, avoiding Dirk who was clearly looking for Delilah, and Hudson who was just wandering. Or, he thought he did. He was walking behind Bonnie Bowl when someone grabbed his shoulder. He tensed up and immediately swung around, attempting to strike whoever had grabbed him. He hit Hudson in the side, hard enough for him to let go and let out a noise of pain. The faceless man's eyes narrowed at Devon.

"I was just trying to get your attention Devon. You've been sneaking around for the past few little while," Hudson said, straightening up.

"I want to be alone," Devon responded, "Sorry for punching you."

"It was my fault to sneak up on you. Is something wrong?" Hudson asked.

"Nothing is wrong," Devon stated, clenching his fist. He narrowed his own faceless eyes at the man. Hudson looked a bit skeptical.

"Fine. Then do you mind if I walk with you?" he offers. Devon pauses to think before he shrugs.

"If you want to," he mutters. Hudson nods and walked next to Devon as they continue through the hallways. They ended up in a large storage area behind Roxy Raceway where all the go-karts were stored and repaired. A S .T.A.F.F. bot ahead of them went off, letting out a screech and waving it's arms as it grabbed someone who was behind one of the racks of go-karts. The person struggled against the robot as Hudson and Devon walked over to investigate. Hudson made a signal for Devon to wait, though Devon ignores this and continues with him, turning on his own illusion disk. Hudson did the same.

"Let me go," a quiet voice said. They leaned around the side of the rack and made eye contact with a smaller boy with dark ginger hair. The dim lights in the room made him look sickly. He had dark under his eyes and saw them. Hudson stepped in, grabbing the security bot and prying it off the boy. Once he was free, the boy scrambled backwards, falling over and bumping into a cart of parts behind him. His breathing was shallow and raspy, as though he was injured.

"Are you ok?" Hudson asked. Devon moved a bit closer to the boy. He was taller than this new person, but not like Gregory and him difference, about half of that.

"I'm fine," the boy gasped. He put one hand on his chest and took in a sharp breath. Devon reached out a hand to offer to help him up and the boy shook his head.

"Hello?" Chica's voice called from the entrance.

"Who's there?" Roxanne's followed. They must've gotten the alert.

"It's just me and Devon," Hudson called back, seeing the boys fear of the two robotic voices.

"Yeah. We accidentally bumped into one of the bots. Sorry," Devon continued. Catching wind of what Hudson was saying.

"Oh ok! You guys alright?" Chica asked.

"Yep. All good. Sorry for interupted you guys," Devon called back. They said it was fine and their heavy footsteps left the area. Devon turned back to look at the boy and saw he was gone. Hudson turned back as well and sighed. He turned off his illusion disk and shrugged. Devon looked around for the boy but saw him nowhere near. He must've run when they weren't looking. He looked at Hudson and was given a blank look.

"Are we going to look for him?" Devon asked.

"We covered for him and he left, do you want to find him?" Hudson asked, looking like he didn't want to.

"Did you hear how he was breathing? He's injured," Devon responded.

"Then why not wait for us to help?" Hudson responded.

"Would you?" Devon asked.

"I have in the past. The disk in my spine and the fact my wrist isn't set right is proof. I waited for help," Hudson snapped.

"What? How did that happen?" Devon asked.

"You don't need to know. Now, are you going to look for him, or not?" Hudson asked.

"I am. You don't have to stay if you don't want to," Devon responded. Hudson nodded and walked away.

"Where'd you go?" Devon called, wandering around nearby to find the boy, "We aren't trying to hurt you."

Devon kept walking around the area before turning off his illusion disk as it started to overheat. He grumbled to himself and trudged out of the storage area and down the nearest hallway. He kicked a rogue piece of metal down the hallway and watched it clatter against a cart. He sighed and kept walking down the hallway. He heard shuffling from a room ahead and sped up, turning the corner and making contact with a piece of metal swung at him, causing him to collapse and go limp on the floor. 

Ghosts in the Pizzaplex - FNaFOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz