Chapter 31 - Dying to Understand

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Nole got to the Fazcade without any issues but once he was inside, it was pandemonium. Security bots had blocked off and area and Roxy and Chica came from the back with bandages and medical supplies. Jeremiah and Delilah we're trying to get through the Security Bot blockade but we're unsuccessful. That's when he heard the screams. The screams of agony coming from someone. He managed to get over to Jeremiah.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Devon collapsed. He started crying and screaming and then blood. Blood just. Everywhere," Jeremiah replied. He was shaken. Delilah was holding Alec again and looking away from the sight. Dirk had gotten lost in the crowd somewhere. Nole looked over the Security Bot's shoulders and saw Roxy trying to hold Devon still while Chica tried to bandage the blood pouring out of his arm. He was writhing in pain and crying. The DJ was using his arm to stop people from trying to help.

"What the hell? Toby just started freaking out too. That why I came here, to grab you guys," Nole said. Jeremiah looked concerned for a moment, but it quickly shifted to fear as Devon let out another scream of pain. Chica's legs had blood all over them and she was trying her best. Roxy was struggling with Devon as he flailed. Chica said something to Roxanne, who nodded and picked Devon up off the ground. Chica packed the medical supplies and Roxy took Devon to the medical bay just through the back door.

"Sorry everyone! Someone had an incident. Roxanne and I are taking him to the medical bay until proper ambulance arrives. Please avoid this area until a S.T.A.F.F. bot can clean this up," Chica said, waving quickly before rushing after Roxanne and Devon. Jeremiah, Delilah and Dirk all fell to the back of the group. Nole followed them as they went to the back area and into Freddy's greenroom. Freddy had received a ping from Roxanne and was now struggling with Devon as he cried out anytime Freddy tried to apply a bandage. Toby was rocking back and forth, clenching his arm, tears streaming down his face as he leaned into Sam. Jeremiah had gone to help Freddy immediately, as Roxy and Chica left to clean up. Delilah set Alec down how immediately ran over to Sam and tried to help calm Toby. Dirk and Nole stood there awkwardly, unsure of how to help. Both boys were unrelated, there was no reason they would both be having the same pain at the same time. Devon was still crying and writhing in pain, but he'd stopped screaming. Freddy had taken off his illusion disk to see the actual damage. It looked like someone had taken a knife to the wound and cut it open. Black inky tears dripped off of Devon's face as Freddy finished bandaging his arm. Jeremiah sat down next to him and was trying to get him to slow his breathing. Toby was still silently sobbing and rocking back and forth. Angel and Sarah walked in, looking for where the rest of them had gone.

"Oh god, Devon!" Sarah rushed to her friends side and crouched near him. She rested her hand on his knee and looked at Freddy, her brown eyes wide with fear.

"What happened to you guys?" Angel asked.

"We aren't sure yet," Dirk said. Nole nodded.

"I am sorry, but I must head to my next show. Do you guys have this?" Freddy said.

"We should be able to handle it," Jeremiah said, trying to calm Devon as he continued to cry and writhe in pain. Sam nodded. Freddy tipped his head and gestured for Gregory to come with him. The pair left and Angel sat down on the other couch with Dirk and Nole. They didn't know what to do.

"Can either of you talk enough to say what's going on?" Sam asked calmly. Devon let out a groan of pain and clenched his eyes shut. So that was a no.

"It did something," Toby whispered. His body was shuddering with pain every time Devon would start writhing. Jeremiah gave a look of, excuse me the what.

"What did it do?" Sarah asked.

"It connected to him.... Briefly... it took some of his memories and forced them into my brain, I don't know if it gave mine to him," Toby's voice was shaky, and he would get more rushed when a wave of pain would radiate through him. Devon grunted something along the lines of, I didn't get yours and slowly stopped writhing.

"It took his memories?" Sam asked. Toby nodded. 

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