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*Troy's POV*

I am not a very religious man.

But I pray.

My god do I fucking pray.

What did I pray for on my way to Denver this morning you ask?

For my gut to be wrong.

I woke up this morning, Paisley asleep on my chest, Gage tucked in to my side, with the worst feeling in the pit of my stomach telling me that the whole Preston situation would be handled today.

Now, I promised Ally that I would not go out looking for him.

And I've kept that promise so far.

But I can not speak for Ty.

Or Kevin.

Or Bronson.

Or Kaine.

Or any of the guys that have entered her life due to Ty or myself.

But myself, has kept that promise.

I have seen him walking around the tournament, but he has not came close to Ally so I'm leaving it alone.

Her dad is here, Kevin and my dad are here, but I have left her in the care of Kaine and Bronson so I have no worries while I'm ringside with Ty.

Sawyer has done nothing but freak me the fuck out today, because when she walked down the stairs this morning after getting ready, my little sister, my punch dudes in the face stand 10 toes bad ass fight team captain little sister, came walking downstairs fully sporting the Porter last name in Ty's fight jacket, Ty P. painted on both of her damn cheeks, a face full of make up, and French braids with fucking ribbons at the end. I however, am not dumb, know that if something did happen, Sawyer would be the first one to actually swing, and as much as I would love that, we don't want that, so I have been dragging her ring side.

Normally, between her and Grace, I would typically worry about Grace more than Sawyer, because she comes equipped with that Zapper G 9000 as she calls it.

Today, I would've been worried about Tawney, but Bronny's got her.

But the one woman I am actually terrified of seeing this man which I have some how managed to avoid happening, is Georgia.

Ally called Georgia last night to warn her about the events that may unfold today, in which she got nothing but a 'Not if I see the slimy bitch bastard first.' And I got scared, because sweet little Georgia, doesn't swear.

I didn't even hear her say it and I got scared.

Even though all of this is going on today, I feel nothing but happy.

Every time I turn around when we get to the ring, there she is.

Ally either bouncing with Paisley on her hip, or tossing Gage in to the air like it's the highlight of her life.

But, to current.

Ty just won his fourth fight of the day, all he has broken on another person is a nose.

His face is a little cut up but he's honestly doing great.

I feel like this entire tournament for him is just a practice, and he doesn't really care. But he's steam rolling through literally everyone.

"You know." Sawyer crossed her arms. "You're going to have to slow down at some point if you want to last."

"Yeah, I'm about to listen to someone with paint on her face." He laughed. "I still love it though." He smiled.

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