Seeds of Extortion

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In the quaint town of Willowbrook, nestled between towering trees ablaze with fall hues, there existed a vibrant tradition that sparked excitement among adults and children alike. It was the eve of Halloween, when the streets transformed into a lively maze of costumes and candy, and the age-old custom of trick-or-treating took center stage, evoking memories of joy and anticipation.

For young Oliver, trick-or-treating was not just innocent fun and sugary treats; it was a strategic game of negotiation and cunning—a training ground for the art of extortion. His mischievous eyes gleamed like stars in the night sky, full of anticipation for the evening's revelry. Electric energy pulsated through his veins.

With his trusty sidekick, Lily, Oliver embarked on their mission, their youthful innocence and playful spirits shining through their makeshift costumes that barely concealed their identities. Their plan was simple yet ingenious: armed with empty bags and broad smiles, they ventured door to door, their whimsical nature a deceptive cloak for their true intentions.

Their first stop was Mrs. Abernathy's quaint cottage, where the aroma of freshly baked cookies wafted through the air. As the door creaked open, Oliver flashed his toothy grin and held out his bag expectantly. "Trick or treat!" he chirped, his eyes twinkling with anticipation.

Mrs. Abernathy chuckled, reaching for the bowl of candy perched on her doorstep. But before she could deposit a handful into Oliver's bag, he leaned in, his voice barely above a breath. "You know, Mrs. Abernathy, we heard there's a ghost haunting your backyard," he whispered, his words hanging in the air, thick with intrigue.

The old woman's eyes widened in surprise; her curiosity piqued. "A ghost, you say?" she mused, a hint of skepticism laced with intrigue.

Oliver nodded solemnly. "Yes, and it's been causing quite a stir among the other kids. But we're not afraid," he declared bravely, his gaze unwavering.

Lily chimed in, her voice dripping with conviction. "We could help you get rid of it, you know. For a small fee, of course."

Mrs. Abernathy hesitated, her mind racing with uncertainty. But the allure of a ghost-free backyard proved too tempting to resist. With a knowing smile, she reached into her pocket and produced a handful of coins, which she deposited into Oliver's outstretched palm.

"Consider it a reward for your bravery," she said, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

As Oliver and Lily triumphantly made their way down the dimly lit street, their bags brimming with treats and coins alike, they couldn't help but exchange victorious grins. In the world of trick-or-treating, they were not mere children in costume but savvy negotiators, mastering the delicate art of persuasion and manipulation one doorstep at a time, providing a delightful spectacle for all to witness.

As the night wore on and the moon cast its gentle glow upon Willowbrook, Oliver, and Lily reveled in their newfound prowess, their laughter echoing through the crisp fall air. For in the heart of every trick-or-treat lay the seeds of extortion, waiting to be sown by those bold enough to seize them.

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