Chapter 8- The Secret of the Portraits

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Laura's mind raced as she tried to escape the entity's grasp. She glanced around, searching for any clue or weakness. That's when she noticed the portraits on the walls – the same ones she had seen earlier, but now they seemed different.

The subjects' eyes seemed to follow her, their faces twisted in eerie smiles. Laura felt a shiver run down her spine as she realized the truth – the portraits were not just paintings, but portals to the past.

She focused on one portrait, a woman with a kind face and a hint of sadness in her eyes. Laura reached out, touching the canvas, and suddenly she was sucked into the portrait.

She found herself in a long-forgotten era, standing in the same room where the woman had once posed for the painting. The woman turned to Laura, her eyes filled with a deep sorrow.

"Find the key," she whispered. "Unlock the truth. Save them."

Laura was confused, but she knew she had to act fast. She searched the room, finding a small, hidden compartment in the wall. Inside, a tiny key glinted in the dim light.

As she grasped the key, Laura felt herself being pulled back into the present. She knew she had to use the key to unlock the secrets of Blackwood House – before the entity consumed them both.


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