1. Marriage discussions

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Radhika's pov
I was sitting in my bedroom going through reports. It was Sunday . Then suddenly I heard a knock on the door . I opened the door and saw my sister there" didi come down fast grandma said she wants to talk abt something very important to you" I said " k u go I'll come down"
When I went down I saw my whole family sitting in the living room. I went there and takshvi patted the space beside her indicating me to sit next to and I did. My grandma started speaking " Radhika we want u to get married . U are at the correct age for marriage and we have already seen a boy for u . " she kept a photo intront of me and continued " His name is Abhishek Rajput. He 31 years old . He is the CEO of the Rajput industries . He has an elder brother who is the CEO of Rajput hotels and is married , he also has a younger brother who is still learning business. Most importantly he is my best friend's grandson. "
I was very surprised. I was almost on the verge of crying but I didn't. My family without even my permission saw a boy for me and suddenly is just informing me . Don't I have even the option to choose the one I want to marry. I gulped and asked" are u asking for my opinion or ordering me nani?. " " u can take it as anything beta" " nani what if I say no" my uncle suddenly spoke " u will never tell no Radhika cause his mother was ur mother's best friend from a very young age . They had planned to marry u guys when u were born only . It was ur mother's dream or wish ." I just couldn't process anything. This all was just sooo sudden . I looked at my dad but he said " I'm k with this marriage ".I didn't know wt to tell so I just said " I need time " and left the place and went to my room as fast as I could and locked the door and broke down . I am sooo confused.

Y did my family never tell me abt this wish of my mother. I'm sooo confused should I tell yes or no . It was my mother's wish but this is my life idk which kind of a person he is . I don't even know abt him even a little . I continued crying and fell asleep without even knowing. I woke up around the dinner time. I went and asked my face . I stood there in the washroom in front of the mirror questioning myself
" will he be good to me??"
"Will he love me like my mom did?"
" will he not hurt or hate me like my family did?"
" will he fulfill the dreams i had to do with my future husband?"
Suddenly a phone call brought me out of my thoughts I saw it was from Neha I picked it up and said her everything that happened and poured my heart out . She said me to listen to my heart and follow wt it says .
After the call I went for dinner . My family asked me abt my answer but I said them that I will give them my answer tomorrow morning. They said k . I was so glad that they didn't force me to give my answer now. Later that night I went to my room and sat in my balcony thinking abt wt to do. As Neha said I relaxed myself first and thought abt my mom and this proposal only.
After few hours I was ready with my decision and fell asleep there only in my balcony on my swing. I awakened by the cold wind at the mid night . I came inside the room and saw a pic of me and my mom hanging on the wall and took out a pic of my mom which was in my drawer and looked at it . A tear dropped from my eye I wiped it and smiled kissed the picture and slept hugging the picture . Start seeing my mother I was more sure of my decision now.

At Abhi' s place
I was woken up by my annoying brother . I was abt to hit him when I saw my mother there standing at the door . She came in and caressed my hair and said " come down fast we need to talk to u abt abt important and today don't u dare to escape or I will lock u in ur room for a week" and she left . I woke up and saw that it was 7:30 . I don't sleep till late actually except on Sundays . I freshened up and went down for breakfast knowing wt they were gonna talk abt . Isn't it obvious they have been nagging me to get married since the moment I turned 30. And from few weeks my mom has been telling me she has to talk abt smt imp to me but I avoided her but it today I'm stuck .
After I went down my mom served me the breakfast and also kept a photo at the side of my plate I looked at her with raised eyebrows.

She said " she is my best friend's daughter. Her name is Radhika Chauhan . She is a very sweet girl and is extremely gorgeous and beautiful . She is 28 years old and is a very famous neurosurgeon. I want u to get married to her " I was cool a little cause I expected this coming. I picked up the photo and saw the pic . She is indeed very beautiful . My mom's got great taste . I was lost in the pic when my mother started speaking " u have to tell yes bc I had promised to her mom to get u both married when she-" I cut her in the middle and said " I'm k with the marriage " and left the dining hall as I was done with my breakfast. As I was climbing the stairs I heard happy screams and joyful cheers . I'm sure my mother would be dancing by now with my grandma. I came to my room and took a look at the pic I took out my phone and called my assistant and told him that I wanted all the information abt Radhika Chauhan.

Radhika's pov
I woke up and went for my workout and while coming back to my room I saw my sister coming towards me I questioned her " what is it takshu" she said " didi u left this photo here only yesterday so mom said me to bring this to u " " oh k np thanks takshu "
I took the photo and went to my room and took a look at the photo . I was shocked I mean like how can someone be sooo handsome . He was very handsome. I went and googled his name in google . He is a freaking 6.4!!!!!!!!! Wth omg I'm just 5.9 . I spent an hour researching on him and then went to take a bath and went down for breakfast.
After the breakfast was almost done my grandfather questioned me " so what is your answer Radhika?? . I hope it to be a yes"

After a few seconds I answered after gathering the courage " My answer for this proposal is a......

Hi guys !
How was the suspense Radhika's answer will be there in the next chapter. Until then guys pls vote for this chapter. Pls and also pls support me . It is till my first book and I'm srry if I have made any mistakes and also pls inform me abt anything that needs to be change . Thank you bye .

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