The ancestor's memory was like a visual to see every angle of the memory but not the surroundings. Going back a little further, Lila slipped something into Gabriel's drink before everyone came to the dining table.

He realized he was poisoned by her, "No!" Adrien gasps in horror.

Lila killed his father to create an end of the Agreste bloodline. The will by his father was passed to the Graham de Vanily family if anything were to happen to him, they would carry on the legacy.

"Lila will suffer for this!" Adrien felt the rage in him.

Coming back to reality, Felix can see his ancient cousin looking very pissed off like whatever he saw in the ancestor's memory, it wasn't good.

"Whoa, whoa! What is it?" Felix asked.

"Lila killed my father with poison," Adrien said.

"What?! How?!" Felix asked in horror.

"By spiking his drink at my funeral" Adrien explained.

"WHAT?! No one noticed?!" Felix shouted.

"No one did," Adrien said.

"That psycho bitch!" Felix never felt so angry to believe she was a murderer to kill his ancestor.

"My father did not die naturally. He was murdered. That's why my father passed his will to my mother's side of the family. He knew if something ever happened to him, the Graham de Vanily family would carry on the legacy. Lila wanted to end the Agreste bloodline which included me and my father" Adrien explained.

"But you are still standing, bro. You're the last Agreste person" Felix said.

"That's not the point! Everyone thinks I'm dead! The entire Agreste family are all dead!" Adrien said, angry at himself that he was responsible for this mess.

"What are you gonna do?" Felix asked again.

"What my father and your father never did. Terminate her" Adrien said.

"I hope you know what you're doing," Felix said.

"I don't but she has gotten away with it for a long time ago. Her crimes are far expired and she's been in hiding like a coward to think she's won but she hasn't won yet. If she does the same attempt to you, it's the end of the Graham de Vanily bloodline" Adrien said.

"But you need Ladybug in this," Felix said.

"Yes, I know. But she doesn't know the real true Lila" Adrien said.

"But you do. You're the only one living who knows her more than anyone" Felix said.

"It's time I take the discussion with her," Adrien said.

"And how are you gonna do that? She almost killed your ass a few times and I wasn't there to save your ass but your lady did. You're a black cat with bad luck that will one day have bad luck stuck on your ass for who knows how long" Felix said, knowing that facing directly won't work.

"I meant that with Ladybug we can both defeat her," Adrien said.

"It's been a month now and no success. Your fangs still haven't gotten a bite on Lila's neck" Felix said sarcastically that he's never bitten her yet.

"I will not bite her, I will take off her head for this" Adrien said with vengeance.

"Like a monster you'll become" Felix can see lots of rage in him.

"She did this to me," Adrien said.

"Dude, killing her is like taking her place. Paw Noir was no killer in his days because he would never kill or the people would see him as a monster if he did" Felix said.

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