The hidden oni

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-Wu Pov-

Time set shortly after morro dies-

Now once i set on my new chapter in my life, I now need to find 4 new pupils. I know now what to do and what to expect of my "students". I know how to treat and teach them, NOT as I did morro...I know I messed up with him. Why did I tell him about the prophecy, if I hadn't done that, he wouldn't have tried to become the green ninja he-He wouldn't be...dead. I messed up big time with him and now because of me hes dead. I won't EVER mess up that bad on my students NEVER they will not know of the green ninja and that way they won't try and become what they aren't. I can't do that to them I don't know them yet, but I do know one thing history WON'T repeat itself. I must now find these ninja....


5 years later

At the monastery of Spinjitsu

No one's Pov:

The ninja were all sitting on the couch wearing their usual summer clothes and either flipping through their phones or playing an intense game of dragon clash three. But Lloyd, however, was staring into space lost in his own thoughts as his siblings fought over who's better.

Nya: "Guys I wanna watch a movie!!!!!!!" Nya yells at the boys who are clearly obsessed with video games.

Kai: "Nya stfu if you wanna watch a damn movie go somewhere else. We are busy." Kai practically screeches back to her in pure anger

Jay: "KAI!! Don't yell at her like that! Ill beat u up onfsjm" jay is honestly angry at him for yelling at Nya like that

Kai: "jay be so fucking fr I could beat you in a fight."

Jay: "kai square up then fr" jays hands go into fists and he throws them up in the air ready to fight. The two begin to full on fist fight I'm talkin blood and tears. Jay accidentally punches kai in the eye giving him a black eye then it causes jay to stop and apologize, but kai on the other hand just gets even angrier and starts using his elemental powers on jay leaving multiple burns on his body. Nya and Zane try to break them up, but nothing is working. Cole is blasting 505 by Artic Monkeys at full volume on his headphones so blud can't hear shit. Suddenly Lloyd stands up and blasts kai with his powers and then storms out of the living room and they could see a small light of purple shining down the hall as he runs. They hear him slam his bedroom door shut.

Kai: "Okay what the hell was that?" kai stands brushes himself off

Nya: "umm, I'll go talk to him" Nya walks up the stairs to Lloyds room

Jay: "kai I'm sorry I punched you i wasn-" Kai cuts him off

Kai: "don't worry about it brotha I shouldn't have used my elemental powers on you."


Outside of Lloyds room

Nya's Pov:

I walk down the hall till I reach Lloyds room as i stand at the shut door I'm not sure if i should open it or not. When I heard a slight cry, almost whimper, coming from his room i knew I had to go in. I knocked on his door and wait patiently for him to open up. The door begins to creak open to reveal a little younger than me boy with messy blonde hair his green eyes were sparkling i could tell he was crying.

"Lloyd bud what's going on?" I asked him with pure concern. "I-i im sorry i was just in a bad mood." He says, which i can tell, it's not the reason. "Lloyd do u want to talk about it i know something must be up" i say but then i notice his one eye is a faint purple color. "Lloyd what's up with ur eye?" i ask genuinely confused. "what? theres nothing wrong with my eye." Lloyd then turns around to his bedroom mirror and sees his purple eye. A look of pure shock falls over him. "nya what is going on?!" yells to me. "Lloyd calm down im sure its fine, maybe zane can take a lo-" "NO" lloyd cuts me off his eye becomes slightly more purple. "i dont want anyone else to know about this. Please Nya dont tell zane." lloyd practically pleads to me. I dont know why hes trying to hide whatever is going on, but im worried about him. I hope he can open up to me at least, this isnt something to bottle up.

Lloyds pov:

I dont know whats going on and id rather no one knowing not even nya but here we are. The thing that scares me the most tho is my purple eye. Why is it purple? isn't purple my dads one side color? If thats so then what if my oni side is trying to take over? NO i cant let that happen I WONT. Im not an oni im a dragon NOT an oni. If i become a oni theres nothing that will stop me from hurting my friends, family, and innocent people. I cannot let that happen. "Lloyd I won't tell Zane but please promise me you won't hide this from me. If there's something wrong i can help you." Nya asks me. "thank you nya and i will i promise" i respond not sure if I'm completely honest tho. I invite Nya into my room and shut the door. We both have a seat on the bed next to each other. "nya so basically my eye turns purple mostly when i get angry and i thought about it what if it means my oni side is trying to take over me." i tell nya a little ashamed. "lloyd your not ur father. You won't become like him." nya trys to comfort me. "How do you know?" i ask. "Lloyd you are a ninja NOT an Oni or an overlord. Ur powerful but you use that power for good it doesn't overpower you." nya is talking very seriously i like this side of her. "i can't see you being bad guy. If your oni side makes you get angry sometimes it's okay beacuase we will find a way to use that side for the better. We always find a way. Dont think this will take over you. Thats how it will get u." nya preached. Hey saying this honestly made me feel alot better about the situation. "thanks nya that helped alot" i told her honestly. "ofcourse lloyd your my brother no matter what happens ill be right here for you." she comforted me. We lean in for a hug and i swear we hugged for 10 minutes but something about the hug just made me sad. It felt like someone showed me a video of a dog dying or something. The second we started hugging i poured out all of my emotions. I guess Nya has that effect on people. She just kept holding me and comforting me as a bawl my eyes out onto her blue sweatshirt. I'm pretty sure she stole it from jay though because it has a lightning bolt on it. -------------------------------------------------------


If any of y'all have ideas for any of the ninjas I probably make it just let me know I'm having a brain fart.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 11 ⏰

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