Chapter 24

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I felt awful after Mrs. Locke left. Awful and stupid and angry. I had to get out of there. I had to get Lola and go. 

The only thing that was going to make me feel better was a long ride. I had to clear my mind. 

I rode the lawn mower back to the barn and parked it in the back, then cut across the yard to the stable.

Lola was more than ready to go when I opened the stall door. It was almost as if she could sense how antsy I was. She kept shifting her weight as I put the saddle on her and glanced back at me as if I wasn't going fast enough. 

I took her up the hill, through the trees, and across the Kents' meadow.

After a few sprints across the field, I was feeling a lot better. 

I imagined Mrs. Locke screaming and flailing on the back of a runaway horse and imagine Lola and I riding up to save her... then passing her by.

The look of total shock and fear I conjured up on her face exhilarated me. 

Not nice, I know. But it was just a daydream and it made my heart feel a lot lighter. 

Mrs. Locke wasn't better than me. She was a mean, unhappy, bored woman who had nothing better to do with her time than yell at people half her age. 

Still, I wished I could stand up to her. My father had no problem speaking his mind- shouting whenever he needed to. Why hadn't I inherited that useful gene?

Finally, after about our tenth lap with Lola panting and me out of breath, we decided we had enough exercise for one afternoon. 

I started to turn toward home, but just the thought of going back there made my skin peel. 

What was I going to do when I got back? Sit around and sulk? Endure another silent meal with my parents?

I glanced to my left then to my right. I had another, far more appealing idea. 

I pulled Lola's reins toward the East and she huffed in surprise but went along anyway.

This wasn't a route we took very often anymore. 

We found the path in the woods through which Jared exploded the first morning I met him.

I knew my father wanted me to stay away from him, but I just couldn't. Not with the way he made me feel.

And besides, I didn't like my father's reasoning. I knew Jared, and he was nothing like his father. 

Lola and I clopped carefully along the path's twists and turns, winding our way down the far side of the hill. At the bottom, we emerged on the periphery of the Kents' backyard. 

The house loomed up in the distance, behind the cabana, the garage, and the pool.

Feeling exhilarated. I took Lola around to the right, hugging the tree line just in case Jared's parents spotted us and we had to make a run for it. 

I looked up at the many windows in the back of the house, wondering if Jared was home. 

Which window led to his bedroom? Did he even have just one, or had he been assigned several ones just like a prince?

Everything was quiet and still. We were nearing the side of the house and I was about to turn Lola around and head back when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. 

My heart gave a massive start, but I relaxed instantly when I saw that it was just Jared. 

He was sitting up straight in a lounge chair waving me down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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