Chapter 7

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Two days went by when I was just thinking I would never see Jared again. But all of that change when I heard the sound of an engine flying my way on Town Line Road. My heart skipped an annoying beat when the engine, whatever it belonged too, sputtered and slowed as it approached the entrance of the ranch's drive. A sleek looking motorcycle turned up the dirt drive way and even though the drivers face was obscured by a racing helmet, I know that it was him.

Perfect, I thought sarcastically, looking down at my sweat-stained tank and dirt streaked arms. This guy has impeccable timing. 

I was just closing up the stable for the and sweat pored my back like a waterfall. It was an unusual hot day for early summer in upstate New York, and considering I have been working my but off for the last two hours , I was overwhelmed and wilting like a dandelion past its prime. 

It was definitely the kind of night on which I would normally call Donna and Derek and tell them to meet me at the lake for an evening swim. If only Jared had shown up after I had taken a refreshing, cleansing dip.

No suck luck though. There wasn't much I could do about my appearance in the five seconds it took Jared to fly up the hill to the stable, so I tucked some wet locks of hair behind my ears, pulled my bandanna out of my back pocket and wiped my face.

Jared killed the engine and pulled off his helmet. Damn, if he wasn't even better looking than I remembered.

"Hey Gracie," he said with a heart stopping smile.

"Hi." I replied. "How many vehicles do you own?"

"A few." He said, lifting one shoulder.

Like a teenager with multiple autos and cycles and ATVs wasn't a big deal. Yep. He was definitely an invader.

Good. I was glad he had reminded me so quickly. I was still feeling a little annoyed over the way he had torn out of the diner the other day. I really didn't want my heart skipping around because of him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Geez. Blunt much?"

"Just asking a question." I said lightly.

"Yeah, I figured you'd be mad," he said.

"Why would you figure that?"

He dropped his kickstand on his bike and got off, placing his helmet on the seat. He was wearing a white t-shirt that looked impossibly clean in all this heat. 

In just two days, he was already more tan than he had been the first time I had met him. Obviously someone was taking advantage of the great outdoors he supposedly didn't appreciate.

"Listen, I wanted to apologize," He said pushing his hands into his pockets. "I was way out of line ditching you after you invited me out."

"Actually, I think you challenged me to take you out."

"Well, whatever," he said smiling. "I'm sorry. I just kind of lost it when I heard that girl talking about my mom that way."

I felt a twinge of regret in my chest. "I know. I'm sorry about that. You have to understand that your family is kind of legendary around here."

"Really? My fame precedes me?" He said, stepping closer.

"Not yours, actually. Your parents. We didn't even know you existed."

His face fell and I bit my lip to keep from smiling. Score one for the local girl.

"Well, anyways I probably should've let her explain before I freaked out. I hope we can be friends," he said, offering his hand.

I took it, half reluctantly, half ecstatically. I wasn't surprised at all by the tingle of attraction that raced up my arm when our fingers touched. 

His grip was firm, but his hands were even softer than mine. Unsurprising considering he's never held reins, built fences, or probably even climbed a tree in his life. Poor little rich bot was deprived. 

But I have to say. I was impressed that he came all this way just to apologize. As close as the back of his property was to mine, it was a much longer drive from driveway to driveway. And I hadn't ever expected him to acknowledge he might have been wrong, let alone go out of his way to do so. I guess even invaders can surprise you sometimes.

Jared gripped my hand and pulled me toward him with a jerk. I yelped, surprised at nearly being yanked off of my feet. Our chests were almost touching. He sniffed dramatically.

"Gracie, you stink," he said in an almost flirtatious way.

I yanked my hand away and kicked some dirt onto his pristine black boots. 

"Gee, thanks. Some of us actually have to work for a living," I said, my heart pounding at his proximity.

"Yeah? What do you do exactly?" He said crossing his arms over his chest.

"I give riding lessons," I told him, glancing over my shoulder at the paddock. "This summer I'm hopefully earning the entry fee for a jumper competition at the county fair in August. I plan to win first prize"

Jared grinned. "I like your confidence."

"Yeah, well, it makes the stink worth it," I said. 

"I know a good cure for it if you're up to it. The stink, I mean, not the confidence," he said. "I noticed a beach down by the lake. You hang out there?"

"All the time," I answered. 

"Cool. Care to join me?" he said, tilting his head toward the bike. 

My pulse raced and I tried not to smile. Me and Jared going down by the lake together, for a sunset swim? Even though every fiber in my being has been raised anti-invader, the thought was way too tempting. 

Besides, he couldn't be as bad as we all first thought. He had, after all, come to apologize. He wanted to be friends. And I couldn't exactly ignore the fact that I had heart spasms every time he looked at me. I liked that feeling. I had been waiting my entire life for that feeling. 

"Come on. What do you say?" he prodded. 

"Give me five minutes," I told him.

*   *   *   *

Hello all!!!!!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I definitely enjoyed writing it and writing scenes with Gracie and Jared. Next chapter coming soon!!!! Stay tuned!!!!!

Much love, Kylie

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