Chapter 2: Praugamal

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Upon returning to the charming and delightful cottage, they were greeted by a picturesque edifice embellished with rich brown timber, pale blue concrete, ascending vines, lavender bushes beneath the bay windows, and exquisite architecture.

As soon as they returned from the supermarket, they wasted no time in organizing everything in the kitchen. Stella was excited to join the neighborhood kids outside and eagerly opened the front door to head out, to the field across from Bondle Manor and join in with the games. The group played and played until the sun began to set, and Ophelia made her special homemade beef pie. The delicious smell wafted through the air as she carefully prepared the dish to perfection, taking her time to ensure that every ingredient was just right.

A short while later Stella came back once the group said their goodbyes. Once dinner was fully prepared, Stella, Ophelia, and her grandfather- Robert- were called to the dining room, for a mouth-watering meal. They savored every bite and enjoyed each other's company, but as the night wore on. The smell of a delicious pie filled the room as it emerged from the oven, its golden, crispy pastry covering the delicious filling. With each slice, the filling flowed out, releasing a divine scent. During dinner, Robert, Stella's grandfather, asked Stella, "What did you do in town today?"

Stella excitedly recalled every detail," We went to town, and Nana had remembered that she had errands to run, so I went to the bookshop alone. I brought a book, and then we met up outside the cafe, next door to the bookshop. Afterward, we went to the shop to buy some stuff for the beef pie. Fascinated by the book that Stella got, Robert asked," What's the title of the book?"

"Pragamal," Stella confidently replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Robert cast an uneasy glance towards Ophelia, indicating his unease at Stella's choice in the book. "It's getting late. Finish off and get ready for bed," Ophelia announced, taking the plates to the kitchen. Despite the time being 8:00 pm, Stella was confused but thought nothing of it. Later on, after Stella had finished getting ready for bed, she remained wide awake, her mind racing with thoughts of the mysteries that the book held in her hands.

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