Chapter 1: The Bookshop

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In the heart of the old town, a girl -Stella Bondle- and her grandmother, Ophelia, were heading to the local bookshop to buy some new books to read together. "Oh bother, I've forgotten to collect some parcels from the post office. You go on ahead to the shop, I'll meet you there afterward," told Ophelia.

"That's okay, I'll meet you at the bookshop, Yes?" Stella Confirmed with her grandmother.

leaving Stella to go to the bookshop alone to choose a book.

The juniper green bookshop had breathtaking bay windows that displayed enchanting books, for anyone to enjoy. The books were arranged to entice people passing by to come in and explore. The store's interior was cozy and had comfortable and relaxing seating areas. The place was Stella's favorite place to be. She always could discover an excellent mystery and nestle into the corner where she would devour the entire book to then buy the series because she wanted to read more about the character and their adventures, romance, or even their adventures to another planet. It was these stories that made her feel happy, she wanted a life like that but she knew that she would get sick of it eventually, she preferred her life anyway with the constant fantasizing of her life and imagining what her life could be like.

Upon entering the bookshop one book seized her attention...


Pragamal was a different type from the one Stella usually read but she found this one bewitching as if it was dragging her in, so she had to read it to find out more.

Stella gathered up two copies of Praugamal but they only had one, so she brought the one. Just as she was leaving the bookshop, her grandmother (Ophelia) had just left the post office with some parcels in her shopping bag. "Stella, what have you found for us today?" Ophelia questioned.

"I'll tell you when we have dinner." She responded

"Okay," and they went on with their way to the shop.

Normal to Abnormal: Bookshop of SecretsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя