(2) Kagami Taiga is NOT Allowed To Drink

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Additional warnings for cheesy pick-up lines and Akashi Seijurou's existence. The song, Somebody Told Me, is by The Killers.

Stage 2-Gabby

After 3 more beers and some more tequila and vodka shots, Kagami Taiga loses his control over his mouth. Him, talking more than couple of sentences on a topic other than basketball is already quite a surprise in itself, so his friends get amused over this development. It doesn't take long for them to go homicidal.


Kagami Taiga strolls around his flat, looking for victims he can rant to; he comes across with very familiar faces. Kuroko and Izuki are sitting at a relatively less loud corner and talking in such a civilized manner that the redhead can't help but want to join in to the peaceful atmosphere. So the huge teenager with a dual tone of red hair bounces toward the probably the most invisible pair, with a wide goofy grin.

Instantly finding their beloved 6th man, the miracles and their respective partners surround the two with the redheaded ace. Kuroko wishes to slaughter Kagami-kun right then and there, and be able to get away with it without attracting his coach's and captain's rage on himself.


"Ya know, this one day I was playin' basket at this court... But the place had this like green...stuff coming out of it-" Kagami is on ranting.

"Do you mean grass, Kagami-kun?"

"Yeah yeah that. Grass. Like I said, court had grass coming out of its floor... But you gotta see the ground. I mean, it was like someone... crunched it. Y'know like the ad, remember-"

"Oh, do you mean the ground was cracked, Kagamicchi?"

"Yeah ground was cracked. Stop interrupting me, damn it! Listen, a cracked ground and grass growing out of-" this time Kagami stops on his own, freezes up for 10 seconds then starts giggling uncontrollably.

"Grass!" A sudden yell from the redhead makes people who are near to him jump a little. Seeing the identical confusion on his friends' faces, Kagami yells again.

"Grass! Ahahaha! Grass. Grass grass grass grass! ...so funny... hahhaha~...m-my stomach!"

Apparently, grass is a funny word for a clouded mind of Kagami. After causing several comical sweat drops on colorful heads, Kagami continues with his speech.

"A-anyway... I was playin' basket at a place like that and I was jumping for a dunk-"

"Figures..." The redhead shots a glare at the general direction of the voice came from; only to make people at the end of it blush because the 'maji tenshi' effect is still active but weaker than before.

"S-Shut up! I was gonna dunk and jumped for it but because of the grass- pfft! ...I-I couldn't give enough power to my legs! And the cracked ground made me stumble a little-" At this part, Aida Riko's attention is completely directed to the redhead even though she is almost at the opposite side of the crowded room.

"-so I lost my balance and fell on my butt! My butt! Like, a baby falls on his butt!"

'A giant beast giggling like 12 year old girl is not a pretty sight,' is the mutual opinion of said beast's forced audience. The gabby slowly but surely destroys the maji tenshi.

Between his barks of laughter, a self-satisfied Kagami tries to speak again "-but ya know, I'm lucky that I didn't get injured. 'Cause if I hurt my legs, I'm dead! Dead! Especially because I was playin' the day coach speciff- specaif-"

"Specifically." Someone helps.

"Yeeaah, specifa- yeah that. Coach speciff- specifically warned me not to play that day. But hey! Shhhhhhh!" Continuing with a loud whisper, he says, "She can't know okay? Don't-don't tell her or she will... she will... eat my heart out! Raw!" With a terrified expression, the redhead stops talking and looks as if he is thinking.

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