Soul Lover 《7》

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"Whoa.....that's great that you know Tanvi............. And yes......I am not giving you the photo of Ishani......find some other way to stay awake the whole night...BYE."

Sanchit let out a frustrated sigh as he pleaded with Vritika, "Wait a minute, that's not cool. You can't just bail on me like this. Come on, Vriti, you gotta think about me! How am I supposed to keep myself distracted all night?"

But Vritika didn't seem to be in the mood to listen to him. She appeared to be lost in her thoughts, completely detached from the world around her.

Upon reaching her room, she was Ishani working on her laptop. To relax herself, Vritika thought of having a conversation with Ishani.

"Hey, Ishani....what are you doing?"

"Hmm....oh.. nothing, just writing the abstract of the experiment we did in Chennai...Well, I am almost done. Got something in your mind you wanna ask?"

"Nah...nothing serious...just felt like having a random chill chat. Hey, quick question! I'm super curious about that experiment you guys did. Can you tell me more about it? What was it all about? How did you guys conduct it? What were the results, and what did you conclude from them? Sorry for bombarding you with questions, I'm just really interested." Vritika asked, showing her inquisitive nature and eagerness

"Hey, don't freak out! So basically, the whole experiment was about 'Soul Activation' during Human Unconsciousness, particularly during sleep.

Vritika looked at Ishani with a puzzled expression on her face. Ishani laughed and said, "Okay, I'll break it down for you. Well, our soul is very calm that we can't even feel it neither does the soul show any kind of activity. But during our sleep, specifically during our non-REM sleep, it is believed that our soul gets activated. Probably that's the reason we don't remember anything from that phase. Our experiment set to prove it true and we succeeded in that. We still do not know what our soul does but we might figure it out in the future."

"Activation of our it's so amazing. I wish I could have accompanied you..." Vritika made a sad pout "Anyways, Ishani..I still have a doubt, are we allowed to use any human body as our experimental you did in your experiment, I guess.......NO"

"No, we aren't allowed.....We can't choose any random person as our experimental object....and can definitely NOT force anyone to be an experimental object......IT'S ILLEGAL......In experiments like this, where scientists require a human body, they themselves become the subject of the experiment. This was the case for me in this particular experiment. That was one hell of a thrilling experience!".

"Damn, that sounds like it was such an exciting experience! I wish I could've been there, I'm feeling pretty jealous and bummed out right now," Vritika said, doing a fake cry and sad pout.

"Don't worry, Vriti. You'll get plenty of chances in the future. You're still new to this, so you gotta gain some experience first. Just be patient," said Ishani as she playfully pinched Vritika's cheeks.

"I mean, you're probably right... But someday I'm gonna show everyone what I'm made of and be one of the top laboratory scientists out there!" Vritika exclaimed dramatically, while Ishani couldn't stop laughing at her over-the-top theatrics.

"Umm, why are you laughing?" Vritika asked in a slightly annoyed tone, "Your behavior is so...ugh."

Ishani couldn't help but burst into laughter at Vritika's last sentence. "Oh my god, Vriti, you're hilarious!" Ishani said between giggles. She tried to apologize, but she was still laughing uncontrollably.

"Huh...Never mind...but I will only accept your apology if you'll answer my one question sincerely." Vritika said with a smirk.

"What is it...."

"Ishani...Have you ever had a crush on someone....ever?"

"," said Ishani but Vritika noticed her blush...

"You are shuttering that means you are lying....come on that spill it up.." Vritika said whining like a child

"Vriti...If I tell you the'll stop talking with me."

"I won't....even if you say that you had a crush on a 50-year-old grandpa I won't let down our friendship....I promise."

"I don't have a crush on a 50-year-old grandpa...I have a crush on a dead person..."

"Huh...what the hell do you mean by that..." Vritika asked her in confusion

"Well....when you showed me the photo of your brother...Sanchit...I had a crush on him....that was a crush on first sight.....but then you said that....he is dead.....So...I have a crush on your....umm...Dead Brother...I guess?"

Vritika was dumbfounded...She was not in a situation to say anything

"My brother Sanchit can admire Ishani the whole night....and Sanchit is Ishani"s crush at first sight...So is Ishani my future Sister-in-law....What the heck.....this can't be true right...but what if it is....Is she my future Sister-in-law....No way...What the....leave it! I can't just let this matter become my headache...I already have Sanchit's soul transference to eat my head up.."

"Vriti where are you lost...." asked Ishani concerned

"Huh....nothing....nowhere... hehe," said Vritika not being in her own senses...

"Are you sure you are fine...and please don't take my word seriously...I know..."

Vritika interrupted Ishani and said, "Hey, this is something that should be taken seriously. I mean it's not a bad deal if you became my sister-in-law. It's actually pretty cool. This is an interesting stuff, and I'd be so happy if it happened."

Ishani blushed at Vritika's talk...she replied, "Hey but that's not possible...he's dead.."

Vritika paused and said....."So you love someone dead... doesn't that mean you love a soul...and this makes you a Soul Lover..."

"Huh...soul lover....that sounds quite grand..." Ishani exclaimed

"That does sound very grand....but you are indeed a soul lover...because you love a person who is dead....right.."

"But that's not gonna work...loving a soul is a true love but isn't working...there is no use of hidden life if the other person can't feel it..." Ishani exclaimed

"Damm...your statement was incredible..."There is no use of hidden love if the other person can't feel it" could be a great dialogue writer..." Vritka exclaimed in excitement

" could you Vriti...." said Ishani

"Me...a dialogue come...that's not possible"

"YOU'RE BEHAVIOR IS SO...UGH....You remember you said this....this could be a great comedy dialogue.."

"'s not my dialogue...I have seen it somewhere on social media.."

"Oh....but still this dialogue is quite funny.."

"Yeah, it is..."

"Whose dialogue was it though?"

"I don't remember his name. But he definietly wasn't Indian."

"If you ever see that video again, send it to me. That was really funny."

"For sure."

They both started laughing...

"Well,'s already 11...I am going to sleep what about you.."

"You can go to sleep...I'll come in a few minutes. I have some undone work... Well, good night Soul Lover " Vritika said teasingly

"Whatever...." Ishani gave Vritika a side eye and went to sleep.

Vririka sat at her study table and started doing some research....

"My work is not just an undone work...It's really important work...This work could only lead to some hint of what actually happened to Sanchit....And which could be this Experiment 626."

Experiment 626Where stories live. Discover now