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Vritika seemed to be lost somewhere as her stares were roaming outside the window of the airport. It was the 29th of February, the day she had to go to Kerela for her new beginning in NISTR.

"Where are you lost Vriti?" Mrs. Sinha asked, "Are you Alright?"

"Huh..oh..yeah Mom I am fine...I am.."

"No, you are not...." Mrs. Sinha said, "Vriti I know it's a trauma for you after Sanchit went away and it's...."

"Mom don't say like that! We are not sure whether he is dead or not, it might be possible he is just lost and we might find him." Vritika said trembling.

There were tears in Mrs. Sinha's eyes. "Vriti I wish I could think the same but we are not getting a positive reply from any of those teachers who told us he is possibly dead nor from the police, we have asked to investigate...And even if he is dead, he is dead because he was killed by a wild animal....whom to blame?"

Vritika cried more

"Mom you don't know there is someone to blame, because he didn't go on a Safari Trip but on a secret mission. He is MURDERED, if not then captured by the enemies." Vritika thought to herself

"Calm down Vriti, you have to stay strong. I know it's painful but you can't just let this thought break you from the inside. Stay strong.....for Sanchit!"

As Mrs. Sinha was trying to calm Vritika, the announcement of Vritika's flight was made.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to announce the imminent arrival of Flight 79. We kindly remind all passengers to ensure they have their boarding passes and personal belongings ready, and to proceed to the boarding gate promptly. Your cooperation is appreciated, and we wish you a pleasant journey with us."

Mrs. Sinha, casting Vritika a comforting smile, said, "Your journey is beginning anew, Vritika. Embrace it." Vritika nodded, trying to build confidence in herself

The plane taxied down the runway, and as it prepared for takeoff, Vritika's thoughts went back to the last day she saw Sanchit before his mysterious mission.

As the plane was flying towards Kerala, the sound of the engines was like background noise to Vritika's gradual descent back into her memories. She started to remember the last day she spent with Sanchit before his secret mission on 17th February. All those bittersweet memories came back to her, making her feel overwhelmed with emotions.

Vritika was working on an experiment in her room whereas Sanchit in a dimly lit room adorned with maps and gadgets, was preparing for his upcoming mission. The air was tense with anticipation as he checked his gear, ensuring every detail was in place. His eyes fell on a small framed photo of his family, a brief moment of reflection before he geared up for the unknown.

Deciding to share a moment with his sister, Sanchit strolled down the corridor and entered Vritika's room with a mischievous smile. "Hey, little scientist, what thrilling experiment are you working on today?" he teased, knowing well that Vritika was already fed up with him, interrupting her.

Vritika, engrossed in her work, shot him a look that could melt steel. "Bro, not now. I've got important stuff to do," she retorted, clearly unimpressed by her brother's teasing.

"Oh really~" Sanchit giggled

"I'll kill you bro."

"Hey hey hey....calm down, I am just here to have a chit chat."


"Seems like you again got scolding from you Hitler boss."

"I know I complain about her but she is not that bad, she cares about all of us and she is experienced."

Experiment 626Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora