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"Oh you're finally awake Mr Luther."
The soft, unexpected voice jolted him back to consciousness.

Luther's eyes snapped open, startled by the abrupt disruption in the silence. As he came to, the voice echoed in his ears, a chilling contrast to the sinister presence that had loomed over him before.

Luther gasped with alarm, bolting upright in a panicked rush. His eyes widened as he frantically scanned his surroundings, searching for any sign of the psycho.

The abruptness of his action startled the man standing beside him, who was likely caught off guard by the sudden, fearful movement.

Luther can still feel all what that psycho did to him.

His mind involuntarily replayed the terrifying memory of being pinned to the ground, the violent impact of the weapon, and the excruciating pain that still lingered in his ears. Unconsciously, panic clawed at his chest, stirring a wave of terror within him. The memory of watching his senior dies.

Paranoia gripped him, clouding his perception. Although his surroundings revealed a stark contrast to the nightmarish encounter, he failed to register that he was now in a hospital.

The fear that gnawed at him was so overpowering that he was oblivious to the calming environment that surrounded him.

"Calm down, Mr Luther, this will do no good for your recovery."

The soft tone, which came from a man dressed in a white lab coat, called out to Luther's attention. Luther's heart raced as he turned towards the man and the unease that had been lurking in the back of his mind since he'd woken up became more pronounced.

The man's voice, though seemingly gentle, did nothing to assuage Luther's fears. In fact, the very opposite seemed to be true. The more the man spoke, the more Luther's sense of unease grew.

"Where am I?" Luther asked, his voice trembling as he struggled to maintain control over his panic. "Why am I here?"

The man in the white lab coat stepped closer, his voice soothing as he tried to reassure Luther. "Relax, sir. You're in a hospital. You're safe."

Luther just nodded observing the unfamiliar surrounding he is in.

As the silence grew between them, suddenly the doctor's voice cut through the silence, causing Luther to jump.

"Do you remember anything?".

he asked, his tone cold and serious. The sudden question, coupled with the doctor's intense focus, seemed to trigger a new wave of panic for Luther, causing him to take deep, rapid breaths as he struggled to maintain control.

" Pardon? " Luther asked not fully understanding what the doctor had meant.

"Mr Luther, do you perhaps remember what happened before you were confined here?"

The sudden focus on his situation sent a shiver running down his spine. He didn't want to share any of the details of what happen but he is sure he remember it clearly.

But the doctor's look of curiosity and the intensity of his gaze made Luther feel as though he was being forced to reveal more about that traumatising incident.

"What is it?"

the doctor continued, leaning even closer to Luther.

Luther sat, his breathing heavy and his mind racing as the doctor leaned in, his cold stare drilling into him as if he was trying to peel back the layers of Luther's psyche.

Luther couldn't help but feel as though the man had some kind of ulterior motive, and the closer he got, the more unsettled Luther became.

His eyes fixed on the syringe in the doctor's hand, a small bead of sweat forming on his forehead.

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