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Elijah's POV

It's been a little over a month since Wyatt was born, and it's also been a little over a month since Lillith has been in a coma. It scares me that she hasn't woken up yet, the doctors say she's stable and has enough blood in her system. But it's a matter of when her body will let her wake up. Her daughter Annabelle has been staying in the house, checking on her mother. She told me this was mild compared to how it usually is sometimes. That got me curious but also confused so I asked her to explain what she meant. Annabelle told me that some of the times that Lillith has given birth she's died, but came back. This time in her words we got lucky she didn't die. When she dies, she will either lose her humanity or her memory in Annabelle's words. The entire thing was confusing, and I was doing my best to process it all. I guess it's a miracle we had the doctors here, otherwise she might've died. I wouldn't be able to handle that, I get she's immortal. She'll come back, but this is my future wife the mother of my child. At the end of the day I'm going to worry. I'm worrying right now, all I want is her to wake up. I want nothing more than to hear her voice. I feel bad for her at the same time, she's missed a month of Wyatt's life because she's in this coma. She hasn't been able to hold him or hear him. I sigh to myself and sit down in my chair holding Wyatt as he was starting to fall asleep. I showed him pictures of his mother every day, and videos where he could hear her voice. I wanted him to know his mother, even during this time and that hopefully she would be okay. I was hoping she'd wake up soon. As Wyatt fell asleep in my arms, my brother Jason walked into the room. I knew it had to be important, he wouldn't just walk into this room unless it was important. He quietly shut the door and folded his arms, looking at me. "Brother we have a situation. There's a war going on and your needed. Leave Wyatt with Annabelle and let's go. He will be fine, as will Lillith. You'll still get updates on her condition." I sighed, knowing I didn't have a choice. I didn't want to leave Wyatt or Lillith, but duty calls unfortunately. I get up carefully holding Wyatt as to not make any noise and leave the room, going to where Annabelle had been staying. I told her the situation and she took Wyatt, then shut her door. I grabbed my things and left the house with Jason.

Lillith's POV

My eyes suddenly shot open, and I woke up as if I was gasping for air. I looked around the empty room and saw the machine I was hooked up to. Did I die? No I couldn't have, it would've been different. I must've went into a coma or some kind of sleep. That's when it hit me, Wyatt. Where is he? Did he survive? That's all I could think about, I ripped the IV out of my arm and got out of bed. Looking in the mirror at myself, I shook my head. I looked like crap. This was sad, I need to get myself together. I used my magic to fix up my hair and makeup, then got on a tank top with a pair of jeans. This is better, at least now I don't look like a bum. I leave the bedroom and look around the house, closing my eyes I focus on the noise around me. I could hear Wyatt's soft snoring as well as my daughter Annabelle's voice. When did she even get here? How long was I asleep? I appeared inside the room Annabelle was in, and looked at her holding Wyatt. My little boy, he's gotten so big already. My daughter looked at me, and she teared up. I could tell she was shocked to see me. I walked over and took Wyatt into my arms, holding him. I felt tears falling down my face. I was finally reunited with my little boy and one of my daughters. Me and Annabelle talked for a while, she filled me in on what I missed and how long I was in a coma for. As the conversation went on I noticed something, Elijah wasn't in the house. I could sense he wasn't, and I knew it would slowly start to drive me insane. My eyes started to glow pink, I immediately stood up from the bed. Something was going on, and I needed to figure out what. I gave Wyatt to Anna then disappeared from the house, using a locator spell to find Elijah. About half an hour passed, and I appeared outside the building Elijah was in.

Elijah's POV

It was a gunfight going on, it was bad. I'm pretty sure that we're outnumbered which isn't a good thing. I'm going to end up dying in this aren't I? I won't see Lillith again, or Wyatt, I've already been shot. It hurts like hell, but I can't afford to sit this out. Not when the gang needs all the help they can get. I hide behind a wall to reload my gun and as I'm about to fire my gun again I hear the sounds of arrows firing. My eyes widened, there was no way. It had to be impossible. I lifted my head up to see Lillith firing arrows at all of our enemies. She took them out quicker than any of us could. She's here, my fianceé is out of her coma. My entire gang couldn't believe it, they all started clapping their hands and cheering. I dropped my gun on the floor and limped over to Lillith, wrapping my arms around her. I didn't bother asking how she found us, I knew she had her ways. I told her about the gunshot wound, she bit her left wrist and fed me her blood. I healed almost instantly, almost in disbelief. I didn't know she could heal me so quickly. I was ready to go hike and be with our son. "Let's go home little mouse."

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