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Elijah's POV

It's been a couple days since my little mouse decided to stay with me. I didn't expect her to want to leave. She had her weekly visit with her family, I got to meet some of her kids. They seemed nice, but didn't appear to be a fan of my arrangement with their mother. I noticed something that was odd, everytime I'm away from my little mouse for even a moment I can see her eyes turning dark red, and sometimes I even feel the ground shaking. It's weird and strange to say the least but I haven't brought it up to her. She's been getting used to everything the last couple days. We haven't had sex yet, I didn't want to rush her. I don't plan on rushing her, I know she's in a new environment. That takes getting used to at the end of the day. She's clingy with me, she likes having her arms around me. She likes holding my hand, I don't mind it at all. I don't complain with how clingy she is, it just means to me that she's just as in love with me as I am with her. I couldn't ask for anything more, she's been following all of the rules like she's supposed to. She eats properly and gets enough sleep, sometimes she works out in the gym. I'm always in a corner watching her, making sure that she's okay. Whenever she gets tired she asks me to sleep with her. Of course I never say no, I can't deny my little mouse. Whenever I get in the bed with her she'll wrap her arms around me and bury her head into my chest. She's as dependent on me as I am with her. Whenever I take a shower I ask her to stay on the bed. Sometimes I think she's fine, but then there's times I can hear her sniffling. As if she wanted to cry but didn't want to let me hear. I had no idea she would become this attached to me, but I'm not complaining at all. Me and my brother have a meeting to attend to and unfortunately I can't bring my little mouse inside. I'm going to have to tell her and find a solution so she doesn't get too upset. I walk into our bedroom and notice she's combing her hair in the mirror. I smile watching her and listen to the soft tune she's humming. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, then plant a soft kiss on her cheek. She smiles at me and puts her hairbrush down, turning her attention to me now. I look down at the necklace she always wore around her neck. She never takes it off, not even when she showers. I move some of her hair out of her face and look down at her, deciding to ask about the necklace. "Little mouse, why do you always wear that necklace? Why type of sentiment does it hold for you?" I waited for an answer but I could tell she was now upset because of this. I didn't mean to make her upset. That wasn't my intention but now I felt bad for asking about the necklace. She looked up at me and cupped my cheek, trying to give me a reassuring look. Her soft voice rang through my ears and it calmed my nerves. "It's a necklace that I was given, by someone who used to be in my life. But they're not anymore. It's a story for another time. Now tell me what our plans are for today my prince." Hearing her call me her prince made me forget about the feeling I had. She was so sweet and so precious to me, her words were music to my ears. I decided not to push about the necklace further. I knew in time when she was ready she would tell me about what the necklace meant to her. I snapped out of my thoughts and pulled her closer to me. "Well little mouse, me and my brother have a meeting that you unfortunately can't attend. However I will have you outside of the door so the moment I'm done with the meeting you can be in my arms once more. Does that sound okay to you?" As I waited for her response I noticed her eyes flickered dark red, it seemed this news upset her in a way but she didn't show it very much. Instead, she gave a soft nod and rested her head against my chest while tracing her fingers over my tattoos. I was already dressed for the meeting, so I didn't need to get ready. My little mouse was wearing her favorite outfit, from what I could tell. It was a black laced leather top, with black leather pants and her favorite set of combat boots. I noticed she would wear her combat boots alot, so I made sure she had plenty of pairs in case one got worn out or damaged. I wanted to make sure she had the best at all times. That's what she deserved, only the best in my home. I never let her settle for anything less. If there was something she didn't like I would get rid of it immediately. There was one occasion she didn't like the way one of my men was looking at her. So I took my gun out and shit him in the head, if someone made my little mouse uncomfortable they would have to die. I knew my little mouse had powers but I've never seen her use them. My brother said he hasn't either, the same response from my men as well. I knew she wasn't a human, but perhaps she didn't like using her powers. It made me wonder what she was capable of. I let the thought leave my mind as I grabbed her hand, interlocking our fingers together. I look down at her and speak in a soft tone, "Time to go little mouse. I expect you to be on your best behavior."

Approximately 45 minutes later-----------

Once we arrived at the building where the meeting took place, I led my little mouse out of the car and wrapped my arm around her waist. She would always start to tense up if my hands weren't around her or on her. Which made me worried on how she'd be while I was in the eating. I had my faith that my little mouse would be okay. Though I had no idea how wrong I was about to be. I give her a kiss as we make our way up the stairs. Once at the door I motion for Jason and our men to go inside first. That way I could have a word with my little mouse before the meeting. I could tell she was upset and she was trying to hide this from me. She didn't hide it very well, I could tell she was upset. I didn't like seeing such a sad look on her face. She needed reassurance and I was happy to give her that so she would feel better about today's events. "I know you want to be my side little mouse, if I could have you in there I absolutely would. I need you to behave for me and if you don't cause trouble while I'm in the meeting, afterwards I'll take you out to whichever place you would like to go to. Do we have a deal little mouse?" As I awaited her response I was shocked that she shook her head no. She almost never responded to me this way, so this was new and confusing at the same time. She looked up at me and her eyes turned dark red for a moment before turning back to their natural color. She smiled a little and started to speak in response to what I said to her. "Don't leave me out here by myself. If I'm without you, I get really hungry. Not the type of hungry where you want food. It's the type of hungry that makes me want to kill people. I don't like killing humans. I have a rule against it. Please take me inside with you master. I promise that I'll behave. I won't interrupt your meeting or talk at all." I couldn't say no to her when she spoke to me like this, especially with the name she called me. On occasion she would call me master, as well as baby or my prince. For some reason, my prince was always my favorite. I look into her eyes for a moment and nod softly, agreeing to take her inside. She smiled widely and kissed my cheek then grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers together. I opened the door, making my way inside with her. Some of the men whispered, and some even widened their eyes in shock. They knew who she was, and they knew she was on my side. I walked over to my chair with my little mouse and sat down, pulling her onto my lap as I wrapped my arms around her waist making sure she was comfortable. I had to admit, her on my lap like this definitely made me feel a certain way if you get what I mean. I kept my composure as the meeting started. The meeting went fairly well, it seemed to be going well. As the meeting went to a break, the other group of men began whispering amongst themselves. I thought nothing of it but my little mouse, well her reaction was much different. I could see her eyes flickering dark red, I sensed she was angry. I kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear, asking what was wrong. She didn't respond, but kept her eyes on the main man on the other side of the room. I was confused as to what she was doing. Moments later his head exploded into pieces on the table. The men from the other side jumped back shocked. On instinct they took their guns out, pointing their weapons on me and my men. Which was a mistake because my little mouse, well she didn't like that very much. I didn't like it either, the audacity they had to put a gun on my claim. I could care less that a gun was on me, but my precious little mouse. My claim, it was simply unacceptable and I wasn't going to tolerate it. I took my gun out, pointing it at the men. At this point it was a standoff between us all, our eyes darted back and forth daring the other side to fire the first shot. But before any actions could be made, my little mouse vamped to the other side of the room. One by one she killed the men with efficiency. I couldn't believe my eyes at what I was seeing. I could see her using her powers and it was honestly amazing. Once they were all dead she licked the blood off her fingers then turned her attention to me, my brother and our men. She had this innocent smile on her face, as if she did nothing wrong. She walked back over to me, wrapping her arms around me then decided to speak. "I could hear them talking about how they were going to make Elijah's car crash. They were planning on killing him to get him off the board. I couldn't let that happen so I killed them all. Now they can't hurt my prince." I looked down at her, with adoration and lust in my eyes. She had no idea what she was doing to me, though soon enough she would find out. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her against myself and leaned down to speak to her in a tone where nobody could hear my voice but her. "Little mouse, the things you do to me... I'm going to have to take you home. We're going to have a very intense night ahead of us. I hope you're ready for it." Today was the day we would solidify our bond. She was ready and I was ready, nothing could get in the way of that.

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