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Blair POV.

George walks out of the Sea of Clouds.

So do I. I stay at Barbara's house, and during the day, we go to work together at the company, busy designing peripheral products for the theme park in Country B. There's little time for me to think about the quarrels with George.

After the physical production of the products, we send samples to the theme park staff and receive high praise. Then I start packing my suitcase.

Barbara walks into the guest room. "You found a house so quickly?"

"No, I want to stay in Country B for a while."


"To relax. You'll handle the domestic part, and I'll continue designing. We can have video conferences anytime, and it won't affect the company."

Barbara looks at me for a moment. "Blair, did you have a fight with your brother?"

I remain silent.

Barbara asks again, "Have you seen the news? About that high school student who almost raped you? Their family was acquired by the Emerson family. Is your brother venting his anger through this?"

Of course, I've seen the news. It's everywhere: the family bankrupted overnight and got acquired, the former chairman was given a meaningless position abroad, and the family has no chance of rising again.

But I turn to Barbara and say, "The acquisition was the unanimous decision of the board of directors, not George's personal will."

"But he's risking severing connections! When everyone knows he could turn against longtime friends from years of cooperation, who will dare to negotiate with the Emerson family in the future?"

"That family was already on the brink. Look at his son, engaging in illegal activities at such a young age. His father is no different, with serious corruption among management and executives."

"Okay, okay, you're right," Barbara sighs.

What does her tone mean, I'm not right? That's what George said during his interview with reporters.

He also said he hoped people wouldn't focus on his company's affairs and that he'd be happier if reporters asked more about his personal life. When asked about him and his fiancée choosing a new home, he nodded and admitted the house was being renovated, and they would marry after it's done.

As soon as the interview was posted online, it caused a sensation, with netizens commenting:

"Is there a second good man like him in the world?"

"Who said they're in a business marriage? Clearly, it's true love!"

Some seemingly well-informed individuals commented below: "The head of the Smith family is critically ill. Several grandsons are fighting over the successor's position. If it weren't for George supporting his fiancée, Chloe would have been kicked out long ago, never to sit on the throne. "

Some even attached their engagement photo, the man in a suit, handsome, and the woman in a flowing apricot dress, beautiful and dignified: "They haven't had children yet. If I die now and reincarnate, is there a chance I could be their child?"


As I read these comments, they seem like Cinderella and the prince, and I'm the jealous wicked woman.

But I really can't stay here to witness their marriage and offer blessings to George.

Before I leave, I also say goodbye to Antonio.

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