32• Monster

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Isabella's POV:

I woke up to the sound of something groaning and screaming. I thought it was only in my head until the sound got louder and louder every minute.

I turned and looked at Liam and saw him turning and tossing in his sleep with sweat all over his forehead murmuring for someone to stop. I sat up and tried shaking him to wake up, but instead he started screaming.

"Baby wake up, Liam wake up!" He comes in your shouting for someone to stop. "Wake up!" I shook him. He shot up straight from the bed and looked  around with red eyes, as if he was trying to find someone.

I touched his shoulder and he jumped in shock then turned to me. When he realized it was me, he suddenly hugged me and started crying on my chest. I tightly grabbed him and kissed his forehead. "It's okay baby. I'm here." I reassured him.

He continued crying until he let it all out. I've never seen him like this. He's always calm and collected.

I looked at the time and it was only 2am. We stayed like this until I asked, "what happened? Do you want to talk about it?"


I thought he went to sleep until he started talking.

"I was 14 years old when I killed someone. it haunted me every single night. I would see his face in my dreams and would stay up all night since I couldn't sleep. My father-" he paused then continued.

"My father forced me to kill him. He told me I wasn't going to be a man if I didn't kill someone, he was an abusive husband and father. He would always hit my mom when we went around until one day, they thought we were sleeping. I heard them arguing and I went to check what was going on and saw my father raising his hand on my mother. I jumped into try and save her but instead, he dragged me to the basement and beat me up and left me there for the whole night. My mom begged him to let me go but he didn't." He's voice cracked.

My heart broke when he told me this. My eyes already tearing up from it. He was just a lot child who didn't deserve that. I wiped my tears away and he continued.

"He would continuously beat me up in the basement until I pass out and he left me there for dead. my mom always come to help me but every time my father found out he would be her and me. Kia and Annabelle were young so they didn't know what was happening. Lucky he never touched them. Then when I turned 16 I killed him. And the worst part about his dad I didn't feel any pain or regret. That's when I took over." He ended.

I felt more tears falling from my eyes. How can someone ever do that. He sat up and looked at me. "I know you probably think that I'm a monster after this."

I shook my head." I do not judge you for this nor are you a monster. No child deserved to be treated like that and I'm so sorry that happened to you." I continued crying. My heart cried out for him. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead." I don't deserve you are so innocent and kind."

I had always wondered why he was the way he is but never put much thought on it. But after hearing about his past, it made me feel sad. "Im okay now and you are here with me. I'm so grateful to have you in my life." He added making me cry more.

Stupid tears

He was never monster. He was just a little boy who had a bad childhood.

" I never met my mother . I stayed with a man I thought was my father. He daily came home drunk, then beat me up. Sometimes it got so worse that I would pass out." I felt my eyes tearing up at the thought of him.

"Couple of weeks ago when you found me on the street. I was running away from him. He tried to force himself on me. He- he-" I started sobbing. Why did I deserve that?

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