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Quinn raced out of the taxi as she reached the cliff side.

"Bright !!!", she yelled at the top of her lungs.

  A boy standing at the edge of the cliff turned around , shocked by the sharp noise.

He looked back to see Quinn , who seems to be tired as hell. Quinn breathes a sigh of relief as she looked at Bright.

"Don't jump , there is a way to save Win but if you die then nothing can be done ", Quinn said as Bright raced towards her.

He held both her shoulders as he said ,

"Really ? Win can be saved !!!"

"Yeah , so please , don't leave Win just yet , trust him , he will not let this end the same", Quinn said as Bright nodded.

Quinn and James talked to each other in call as they decided to meet at James' house. It was empty as always.

Bright's blood grew as he saw James. Going straight for a punch which James accepted.

"Are you satisfied !", He yelled in James' face.

"Just yell at me and get over it , we can't figure things out if you are upset with me", James said.

Bright scoffed at James' attitude as he gave him another punch followed by a few kicks , which only stopped when Quinn intervened.

"That's enough", Quinn said.

"How can you forgive him after everything he did !", Bright yelled.

"Because he had his reasons , if Win was dying wouldn't you be willing to sacrifice someone else in return", Quinn said.

"That's different !", Bright said.

"How !! If it's acceptable that you sacrifice someone for the person you love how is it not acceptable for him. Besides , he is improving himself , he asks for forgiveness and he is willing to fix this ", Quinn said.

"He can be forgiven , if he does manage to fix it ", Dew spoke after a long silence.

"That , we are still trying to figure out. The best thing would be the reverse things that happened. It has to start with you both not dying , but I don't know Win enough to be able to do anything further ", James said.

"So you don't have a plan ?", Bright said while gritting his teeth.

"We do ", Quinn spoke suddenly.

"Don't cover for him ", Dew said.

"I am not , I got the plan. I don't know if it would work , but it's worth a try", Quinn said.

"What is it ?", James asked.

"Well , you guys don't know but , in the past , the person that was actually the child of God was me , I met Win one day and I gave him my powers to make him the child of God, because I didn't want to become a tool that the kingdoms use for peace", Quinn said.

"So all that was not supposed to happen with Win in the first place ", Dew said.

"Exactly , so I think the way we save him is by getting my destiny back. I need to be the child of God again. I don't know if the way of transferring my destiny has changed , but I can use the old method to try ", Quinn said.

The others nodded.

All of them reached the hospital , to see Net sitting outside. Net was outraged to see James but Quinn made him calm down and explained they had a plan.

They all circled around Win's body as Quinn held his hand. She thought with all her might as a light from Win's heart made its way back to Quinn's.

The as the lighted stopped there was pin drop silence , until, Win's heartbeat began to drop drastically.

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