Shall we continue

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"That's a lot of information , but I guess all's well that ends well ", Mr. Klein said as Bright nodded.

"I am still scared , I feel it's not over. Something is going to happen ", Bright said.

"I think the same. Sadly no repetitions of the past are ever so simple. This is basically the calm before the storm ", Mr. Klein said.

"Thanks for the consolation ", Bright said sarcastically.

Mr. Klein gave a smile as he took a sip of his coffe before getting back to topic.

"I think that other boy , what was his name , James right , he is correct about the change in destiny. Net is definetly taking on Win's destiny. The best thing to do is to see what James is up to ", Mr. Klein said.

"He is over it now , he wants to help Win in getting everyone a happy ending ", Bright said.

"You boys are so naive. The love of his life might die , do you really think be would take the chance ?", Mr. Klein said.

"You don't mean he is planning something behind our backs ", Bright said.

"Damn , right he is. Especially after the whole hospital situation , there is no way in hell he isn't putitng together all his plans to somehow kill Win. On that note , don't tell Win about this and don't let him talk to Dew or James ", Mr. Klein said.

"You do realise that if I just randomly tell him to not talk to Dew and James he will ask me why ", Bright said.

"But you don't have a choice. See , there are two things that can happen. One that Win finds out that James is plotting things and in an attempt to talk to James he sees more glimpses which would tell him that he is the reason his brother is dying , then he is bound to sacrifice himself. The second thing is James provokes Dew like last time and the past situation magically happens again. In either case Win is dying , the reason are two people James and Dew", Mr. Klein said.

There was a knock on the door.

Klein checked the time.

"Patient ?", Bright asked.

"I don't have one at this time ", Mr. Klein said as the door opened and Quinn walked inside.

"I was overhearing you ", Quinn said.

"Who are you ?", Bright asked.

"My daughter ", Mr. Klein said as Quinn smiled and waved at Bright.

"I am also a very close friend of Win ", Quinn said as Bright's head shot up.

"You are friends with Win , how come I never knew ", Bright said.

"I told him not to tell you , actually I was pretty convinced that he was supposed to end up with Dew , but if he likes you , then there is nothing that could be done about it", Quinn said.

"So what do you think he should do next ?", Mr. Klein asked.

"I don't think he needs to do anything at all. Destiny is set , it will happen regardless. We should just let life do what it wants, meanwhile enjoy your time with your loved ones ", Quinn said.

"Are you sure this isn't cause you are plotting something ?", Mr. Klein questioned.

"If you are thinking I'll try to make Win fall in love with Dew then that's totally absured. He fell in love with Dew in his past life and we all know what happened. I think this is the best for everyone , just , Win shouldn't do anything that would put him in harm , so he can save Net ", Quinn said.

"Great , so we all are on the same page , nice to know ", Mr. Klein said.


"So what should we do now genius ?", Dew said as he sat with James in a coffee shop.

"Let's try setting him up of doing something bad. Win clearly doesn't care if he is dying in this situation , which is concerning , we just need to fool him into thinking that Bright is a jerk ", James said.

"What do you have in mind ?", Dew asked.

"I called someone who can put up an act , but for that we need to get Bright till a club. I suggest you invite Bright and Win for a party or something ", James said.

" And on what occasion I should ask them?", Dew asked as James' phone dinged.

He opened it and a smile plastered on his face.

"This ", James said as he turned his phone towards Dew.

Phi James , Phi Net woke up !!! He is much better , the doctor said he can go home.

"You can handle the rest I assume , I have a pleasuring duty to do. Help my guy relax and all ", James said as he typed back to Win.

Thank you !!! I'll be there soon.

He wants to go to your house

I was thinking the same thing.

"Deal with it , I'll send you the girls number that would help you. Coordinate well ", James said as he got up and left.

He got a taxi and went till the hospital. As James reached Net was coming out , along with his parents and Win. Net smiled brightly as he saw James , and came running towards him to hug him.

"Don't run , you are still healing ", James said as Net engulfed James in a hug.

"I missed you so much ", Net said as James smiled and continued the hug.

The parents agreed to let the duo go to James' house.

"Tell me if you need anything ", James said as they entered the house.

"I do ", Net said as he sat on the sofa.

"What ?", James asked as he walked to Net. Net pulled James to the sofa as he got on top of him.

"I need you " Net said as James smiled , his arms wrapping around Net's neck.

"Take a break , you have just gotten out of the hospital. Let's order some food ", James said.

"I already have my food here ", Net said as he bent down and kissed James.

James responded with great enthusiasm. He was missing this , missing them.
Net's arms slowly made their way under James' shirt as their lips stayed connected. Net takes off James' shirt as they both take deep breaths , staring into each other's soul.

A tear fell from Net's eyes.

James wiped it.

"Why are you crying ?", James asked concerned. Net held back another tear as he spoke ,

"I am so lucky to have you , thank you for being with me. I swear I will never leave you alone , no matter what happens I'll always trust you and I'll never give you a reason to be disaapointed. I love you with everything I have , more than yesterday less than tomorrow."

James looked at the emotional Net.

"Why are you saying things like that ?", James asked.

"I saw glimpses , while I was asleep. You are right , I am taking Win's place. Those glimpses matched with things that had happened with me before. Knowing this , I want to spend every moment of mine with you ", Net said as he got off of James and picked him up bridal style and carried him to the bedroom.

He places James on the bed as Net hovers over him again.

"So shall we continue now ?", Net said back to his flirty self as he went in for another makeout.

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