S2 Chapter 13. The Changes (Season Finale)

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No one's POV


The scene would start out different than the rest. After the aftermath with Maldición, the Kobayashi residence was destroyed in the fire. But due to Sho getting inheritance money from Suzuki dying, he was able to buy Kobayashi and Ryder a new apartment, but still not two sadly. Sho would be able to buy all new furniture and everything until the house would be perfect. But now, Ryder would wake up in his bed to find Elma snuggled up next to him with her arms and legs wrapped around him like some sort of koala. After a couple minutes of struggling to get out of Elma's grip, he'd manage to get out and walk into the kitchen to see Ilulu and Kanna eating breakfast and Tohru would be in the kitchen making soup.

Kanna: Swirl, swirl, swirl, swirl, the polyglutamic acid, breaking it up into glutamic acid.

Ilulu: Destruction is the essence of dragons! Is it ready now?

Kanna: More.

Tohru: oh, good morning Miss Kobayashi--

Tohru would turn to just see Ryder as he just woke up

Tohru: Oh, it's you. Couldn't you just stay asleep?

Ryder: Good morning to you too, I guess.

Ryder would then sit down at the dinner table as he'd grab a fork and take a bite out of the food on the table, before Tohru would throw a wooden spoon at his head

Tohru: That's for Miss Kobayashi, fatty!

Ryder: Then why is it even here?

Tohru: Because she's waking up soon!

Kobayashi: Can you stop yelling?

Tohru and Ryder would turn their heads to see Kobayashi rubbing her eyes as she'd sit down in the chair next to Ryder with her pajamas still on

Tohru: Sorry, Miss Kobayashi. I've made breakfast, but Ryder decided to eat some because he's too big.

Kobayashi: Once you've lived with him for as long as I have, you'll get used to it.

Ryder: Hey, y'know what would be fun? Going to that spring festival in the new rebuilt Kyoto.

Ryder desperately tries to change the subject of his eating habits

Kobayashi: Oh, Tohru mentioned that.

Kanna: I promised to go.

Ilulu: What do you do there?

Kanna: I heard that they open up a lot of things called stalls!

Ryder: Why don't we all go? I think it'll be fun.

Kobayashi: Then we have to buy Yukatas. And we all know you don't have any money, Ryder.

Ryder: Hey, why not let your work place be destroyed?

Kobayashi: Then we'd be homeless.

Ryder: It's pretty outside though. I think they're already decorating.

Tohru: The people at the shopping district asked for my help to set up for the festival.

Ryder: They must have a lot of faith in you.

Tohru: I don't care if it's for the festival. It's a bother.

Ryder: Pretty sure I seen you smiling while decorating.

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