Chapter 8. The Christmas show.

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No one's POV:

Currently, everyone is at home as Tohru bursts through the door to inform to Ryder and Kobayashi that she'd be putting on a Christmas show on Christmas eve for the local retirement home.

Tohru: And so... I'm totally going to do it!

Ryder: Are you even possible of doing that?

Tohru: And are you even possible of getting a green card?

Ryder: Yeah...

Tohru: Then that's my answer.

Kobayashi: I'd like to help out, but I got work...

Tohru: That's alright Miss Kobayashi! Just stay focused on your job and I'll take care of everything!

Ryder: I probably can't because I gotta set up the Christmas decorations at my job.

Tohru: Dang, could've used you to build stuff...

Ryder: I swear to god...

Tohru: It'll still be easy, all I gotta do is ask my good and reliable friends to help!

(time skip)

It's the next day. Ryder and Kobayashi are both at work while Tohru and her friends are at work. But this takes place at Ryder's work. Ryder and Casey are setting up Christmas decorations.

Ryder: Geez, this is tiring.

Casey: I thought you would be used to working for a long time...

Ryder: And I thought you would be used of going to KFC all day...

Casey: Hold up. What about we put up a mistletoe to prank people coming in

Ryder: You are a genius. I thought you would be only thinking about watermelon.

Casey: I'm just smart.

Ryder: I totally believe that...

Ryder would then hang up a mistletoe above one of the seats at the counter.

Casey: Perfect.

Ryder: We should take a picture of whoever gets caught.

Casey: Hell yeah.

Ryder: Now, let's start making those Christmas deserts for the sale tommorow.

Casey: got it.

Ryder and Deniesha then go back to the kitchen to start working on the bake sale. Meanwhile at the apartment, they are questioning what they are going to do for the show.

Tohru: Ready everyone?! Let's put on a show!

Kanna and Lucoa: Yeah!

Saikawa and Shouta: Uh, yeah..!

Saikawa: Question, why isn't Kanna's parents here?

Tohru: Unlike Elma, who just is a servant...

Elma: I am not!

Tohru: They are doing work. Miss Kobayashi is at the office while Ryder is probably doing cooking and stuff... So it's up to us to put up the show!

Lucoa then looks over at Fafnir

Lucoa: What do you say?

Fafnir:... Boring, I heard something important happening... turns out it was just pathetic...

Lucoa: Oh, c'mon, Fafnir. let's keep an eye on how it goes.

Fafnir: Hmph...

Tohru has a pen and paper ready for ideas. Fafnir and Elma sit at the dinner table while the others are gathered at the coffee table.

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