Chapter 30

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The next morning, I delivered the pastries to Tenebrae Castle. I nodded at Benjamin for an appreciation since he came to pick me up in the carriage. He smiled back warmly and took the carriage away. I stepped up to the guards. Unlike previously, they allowed me straight in without a question.

Once I passed the portcullis, the guards at the front entrance opened the door. Louise was present and kept her normal emotionless expression. I followed her into the main chamber. I could spot the several baggage present. I assumed it was my biological parents preparing to leave Ofrua soon.

I heard footsteps sound coming behind me. When I turned around, Jace and his family was walking with my biological family. I spotted Jace with Allison, and the lingering tug in my chest pulled more. He chuckled as he heard her speak, his eyes holding all the emotion. They matched exactly like a king and a queen consort would.

She was dressed in sophistication. Her white gown had long sleeves to his wrist. Her brown hair was resting on her back. She had floral head pieces on. The white gown had layered skirts in a bell-shaped. She radiated confidence in her straight walking posture. It was difficult not to feel challenged by her presence.

In the past, I had seen Cyril close to Eleanor and was comfortable in their relationship. With Jace, I was terrified that he would forget me or replace me with someone else. The fear was growing each day, sinking into my chest. Even the thought made my heart squeeze.

"Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses," I addressed as soon as they were in the main chamber.

Renee rushed over to me, and she grasped my arm, smiling warmly. I nodded at other people.

"Brianna," Jace called, pushing through his family members to stand in front of me. I lifted my head and matched eyes with him. I continued to drown his the rare colour of his irises, especially how the glint of auburn captured me under his spell. His hand was firm on the side of my arm.

"I came to deliver pastries," I told him.

He stepped aside, and I went up to my biological parents. I glanced at Allison briefly then handed one of the baskets over to them. "Queen Emilia, I specifically made more of the custard pastry that you prefer." I told her. I knew she adored it, and there was nothing more but to make it for her to enjoy.

"You are so kind, Brianna," she answered, taking the basket from me then handing it to one of the maids behind her. Her fingers brushed past mine. "I appreciate it."

I resisted every urge to embrace her. Although I could feel the tears swelling in my eyes, I tried not to focus about how much I would miss them. As soon as they left, I would not see them for a while.

"Brianna has great baking skills. She often brings sweets for our family. Anyone who she marries in the future will be fortune to have her," Queen Isla told everyone.

"She should be with Jace, Isla," Queen Emilia was not afraid to speak her mind. Her words, however, silenced many people in the room, but I could see the smiles on Jace's siblings. "Allison and I have seen how they interacted. Brianna would be perfect for Jace."

Queen Isla only had a half smile. From her expression, I could identify that she would not approve Jace and me. King Vlad was the same. Both of them chased for the perfect match. Since Jace was in throne, a princess was more needed to secure alliances.

"Jace and Brianna are only good friends," Queen Isla tried not to argue. "Brianna has told me that previously. Jace is also focusing on ruling the kingdom at the moment. Both of them are not interested in developing anything. It is appropriate for them to be friends.

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