Chapter 13:You can't be caught with no evidence

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Kumagawa and Lumine, wuth Paimon floating behind them, watched as Venti was trying to convince a sister of the church to lend them the Holy Lyre Del Himmel. However, it didn't seem to work very well.

Even so, Kumagawa voild see that the nun was hesitant to turn Venti away. He supposed that's some passive effect he'd have over his devoted followers as Barbatos.

Lumine:No luck, huh?

Kumagawa:[We might still have a chance.]

Paimon:We do?

Kumagawa:[That sister watched Venti-chan quite intensivly. We could start an scandal about her having illicit thoughts.]

Paimon:We can't do that!


Paimon:Don't consider it!

Venti quickly shook his head, quickly dismissing the idea. The nun was just doing her job, it wasn't something they had to do an neither was it an guarantee that it would get them the holy relic.

Lumine:Let me try.

Venti:Oh, the hotshot of the Knights of Favonius will guve it a shot? I'm relieved!

Lumine began walking towards the nun with Paimon floating beside her and Kumagawa trailing behind. However, she stopped Kumagawa by shoving her hand on his chest.

Lumine:You stay.

Kumagawa:[Eh? Why?]

Lumine:Don't why me. You're clearly already started a trail of devious thoughts meant to torture that poor nun. I'd like this to be resolved peacefully and without much drama.


Kumagawa returned back and sat down beside Venti. Rather than a good natured man that wanted to help, he looked more like a child that didn't get the toy he wanted.

Lumine returned a bit later too, with no lyre in sight. It seems she had no luck either.

Lumine:Apparently you need papers for any of such dealings. Even when I used the excuse that Paimon ate them.

Kumagawa:[Weird. That sounds like a perfectly likely scenario.]

Paimon:You two...Ugh, Paimon doesn't know ehy she puts up with you!

Kumagawa:[Because you love us.]

Paimon:Yeah, yeah...

Venti:It didn't work...I knew it.

Paimon:You knew it?

Venti:I just wanted to know how influential Lumine, the hotshot of the Knights of the Favonius, is. You see, the best warrior should always be presented with the best sword, and yet here we are...Does the story not make for a fitting ballad?

Paimon:So what are you trying to say? That we're not good enough?

Venti:No, that's not it. More of a commentary regarding Monsdat's inability to see the warrior standing right before its very eyes. Very well. Looks like borrowing it is not going to be possible. We're simply going to have to steal it. Today we stand for free will! Any suggestions on just how we steal it?

Lumine:Well, there goes my wish of resolving everything peacefully.

Venti:Hahaha, look at you. Sidetracked from the start. But seriously, you're more suitable for the job than I. Aside from singing, I don't really have any other talents. Besides, if I was caught, I'd have no one to right the grave injustice of my arrest.
Paimon:How can it be a grave injustice"l if you got caught stealing red-handed?

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