Chapter 9:Secrets aren't just for girls

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Having resolved the situation with the Treasure Hoarders, Kumagawa and Lumine together with Paimon quickly returned to Monsdat. Having been quite the hectic day, they enjoyed a good rest at the inn.

For a little celebrations they decided to take a good breakfast at Good Hunter. This was dine with the money Kumagawa coerced from Kaeya fir his little ruse, much to Paimon's delight.


Kumagawa:[You look distraught.]

Paimon turned her head and nodded, also noticing her mood. After their breakfast they decided to take a walk around.

Paimon:Yeah, what's wrong? Did the Sticky Honey Roast hurt your tummy?

Lumine:No, it's just...There's still no traces of my brother.

Kumagawa:[Well, I had expected that. Your brother must have fallen into this world for a much longer time while you were kept sealed away. You didn't really expect to find him with missing person posters around Monsdat, did you?]

Lumine:No, I didn't. Only if I could talk with the Anemo Archon.

Kumagawa:[Well, I don't know about Anemo, but things seem to get pretty Pyro over there.]

Lumine looked over at where Kumagawa was pointing and found Jean having a heated discussion with a masked woman. A Fatui soldier, they had encountered some before.

Surprisingly, Kumagawa was getting along really well with these Fatuus. But by what it looks like, the one talking with Jean was pretty low ranked within the Fatui.

Fatui Soldier:...Which is what has brought us to this point in the first place. If you are unable to promptly deal with the Stormterror threat, then leave the defense of Mondstadt to the Fatui. We can put an end to Mondstadt's dragon issues. All we need to do is bring that monster to the...


Fatui Soldier:Yes. What's your point?

Jean:Ah...I'd expect a more professional attitude from your diplomats. Yet here you are saying you want to "put an end" to one of The Four Winds of Mondstadt? I won't have any of this nonsense in front of the Knights of Favonius.

Fatui Soldier:Heh...Hehehe...It's not as crazy as you make it sound. Fine. That's enough negotiation for today. At this stage it's simply...An amicable exchange of constructive opinions, no? I'll be sure to make...Thorough notes...

Saying that while being in deep thoughts, the woman began to walk away. Tired from the conversation, Jean gave a deep sigh and finally noticed them.

Jean:Oh, Lumine, Kumagawa, you're back. Thanks for your help. The elemental flow is finally stable. The aftermath of Stormterror's last attack is finally settled for the moment. However, the pressure from the delegation has become too big to be ignored...

Paimon:Delegation? From Liyue Harbor or Inazuma City?

Jean:Snezhnaya. They choose to follow the God of Cryo. Their envoys go by a particular name The Fatui. Heard of them?

Paimon: Oh, them. They are super famous. Wait, infamous is more the word...

Kumagawa:[Are you sure? I happen to like the ones I converses with so far.]

Jean:Somehow, that doesn't surprise me...I don't think killing Stormterror is the right course of action. The Cryo God's Fatui have always coveted the Anemo God's power. I don't believe they have Mondstadt's best interests at heart.

Kumagawa:[Maybe the two had a disagreement long ago or something?]

Jean:Hard to say, the Archons have been alive for much longer than any human being. And I don't think finding gossip about their internal affair is easy to do either.

Lumine:Speaking of power...

Jean: What is it, Lumine?

Lumine:There's something I need to show the Knights of Favonius.

Jean:Oh? Let us head back to headquarters then. We shouldn't discuss important matters...Out in the open.

Jean looked around to be sure no one was watching them. The latest discussion with the Fatui seems to have put her on guard.

Seeing nothing, the Acting Grandmaster invited them to her office. Lisa happened to be there as well skimming through the books in Jean's office, likely slacking off again.

Lisa:Oh, hello there. Have you got to enjoy Jean's thighs yet, cutie?

Kumagawa:[Haha, unfourtunately my schedule has been quite busy as of late.]

Jean:You were serious about that!?

Kumagawa:[How rude! What kind of man do you think I am? I'd never joke about your thighs!]

Paimon:Well, you can at least say he has his priorities straight...


Lumine:Anyway...It's good you're here. Maybe you can help us with that.

Lumine took out the red crystal they collected before arriving in Monsdat, letting in hover above the floor. At the sight of such an object Lisa became more serious, inspecting the crystal closely.

Jean:It's a crystal embedded with some kind of power...Lisa, are you able to analyze it?

Lisa:Let me take a look...Hmm...I can see impurities in the crystal, but upon further inspection...No, I'm sorry, I can't make a proper analysis at the moment. Give me some time. I'll take a look through the library's restricted section.

Jean:Right. I'll leave the research to you then, Lisa.

Lisa:Understood. I'll notify you all if I make any progress. Though I wouldn't go getting your hopes up. They are incredibly ancient texts, not to mentio...Ouch!

Lisa tried to touch the crystal, having felt severe pain from such an action alone. She backed away a bit from the sudden unpleasant sensation.

Lisa:Gosh, that hurt! The impurities in the crystal...It hurts when I get close...I see...It appears to react to Visions. The impurities and the elemental energy we embody repel each other. It's strange, though. Lumine has elemental abilities as well, but doesn't seem to be affected in the same way. Anyway, the crystal would be better left in the hands of my cutie. It will just be a pain if left with us. Both literally and metaphorically.

Kumagawa:[So, the impurities of this crystal are the only thing keeping you away from studying it?]

Lisa:Yes, it's quite...

Lisa was silenced as soon as Kumagawa snapped his fimgers. At that exact moment the red crystal became a pure blue.

Jean:Fascinating. I'd really like to know more about it but, well...The Knights of Favonius have another favor to ask of you. Please accept the title of Honorary Knight...And the gratitude of the Acting Grand Master.

Paimon:Honorary Knights...Of Favonius!?

Jean:We ask for your continued assistance in finding some answers. Stormterror's rage...And strange crystals...I know Mondstadt's peace hangs in the balance. May the wind open your eyes to the truth. We'll meet back here if you find anything.

Lumine nodded to her statement ans began to head out. Kumagawa and Paimon followed closely by, but Kumagawa was stopped in his track when Lisa grabbed his shoulder.

Lisa:Cutie, I have something to ask you.


Lisa:Thar crystal...It was strange. It didn't feel like you cleaned it of impurities, but rather...It like there were no impurities there to begin with.

Kumagawa:[Now, now...]

Kumagawa turned to Lisa with a mischievious grin. His index finger touched his lips as he let out a shushing sound.

Kumagawa:[A guy must have his secrets.]

Lisa:I see...Well, cutie, if you were to be a book, you'd be the most interesting mystery novel I have ever read.

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