Chapter 8:A hunt of thieves and deceit

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Kumagawa must admit that Kaeya does have quite the strategical thinking. There may not be a treasure, bit sending them in monster riddled ruins surely would make it seem are the more believeable.

It was clearly working by the fact that a Treasure Hoarder was tailong them all the while. Of course, he waited until they defeated the monsters rather then fighting himself.

While there was some variation, a Treasure Hoarder alone didn't seem to hold much combat ability on their own, from Kumagawa's experiences until now. It made sense in a way, their outlaws who have not much chances to learn such a thing and the number of people that have visions is very small.

Where their strenght lies is in number. The Treasure Hoarder must plan to wait until they clear out the ruins, striking in a moment he thinks they'd be exhausted and call in his friends from outside the ruins if necessary.

It was a good plan, all things considered. Shame it was doomed to fail from the start.

As he thinks that he titlts his head, avoiding being hit by the wooden club of one red Hilichurl. He grabs the humanoid moster's head and throws it towards one of the fire spitting mechanisms this ruins seem to be filled with.

As fire eats away at the Hilichurls, it's body hits the mechanism. Because of how hard the monster was thrown, both the mechanism and the burning corpse of the Hilichurl fall over the edge of the ruins.

Kumagawa:[You'd think the Pyro themed ones would be more resistant to fire...]

Turning to his right side she sees that Lumine has a bit of trouble dealing with the situation. It was understatable, she was in the middle of rotating versions of those mechanisms while fighting off a bunch of Pyro slimes.

Using Anemo in such a situation would just make her situation all the more harder. Her only option was to use her sword, which wasn't easy either because slimes have a very good resistance against physical attacks.

Paimon was with her as well hanging on her shoulder and encouraging her. Well, that's the mist of what a little flating creature can do.

Right as she was about to swing her sword again she was grabbed by the back of her shirt abd dragged up in thr air. Bellow her the place where she previously fought had reached a temperature of absolute zero, stopping the mechanisms and destrying the slimes instantly.

Paimon:Phew! Thank...

However, when Paimon turned around she wasn't meet with an actual face. She only saw a white mask with red engravings and no hole.

Kumagawa:[Mimi Domu!]


When they landed on the ground Kumagawa took off the mask, wasting no time to laught at the frightened Paimon. Lumine Put her hands on her hips, tapping the index finger on her right hand against her dress with a dead look.

Lumine:Are you done?

Kumagawa:[Sorry! Sorry! I just couldn't help myself...]

Paimon:Paimon almost had an heart attack.

Kumagawa:[But, I think this does prove something.]

Lumine:Yes, yes. You can move around with that mask just fine.

Pocketing the mask in his jacket Kumagawa walked by Lumine's side with Paimon trailing behind them. Another rock door opened in front of them leading to the last room.

Paimon:Huh? Is this the end? Where's the treasure?

As Paimon wondered those tnigs out loud they heard footsteps behind them. Kumagawa's grin grew, showing his teeth like that of a beast being presented their prime prey.

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