when a baby becomes an excuse to throw a party

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Joshua's belly was beginning to become more noticeable, and everyone around him seemed delighted with the matter of being uncles to that pair of children waiting to be born. Junhui was obsessed with buying stuffed animals and all kinds of toys, Minghao for his part did not miss the opportunity to accompany his hyung to the baby clothing stores. The strangest thing had been the calm of Vernon, who congratulated him with a big hug and quickly left, slightly embarrassed.

If there was something that the omega of American origins did not expect, it was that Jeonghan would not take him to dinner that night as they had planned. The alpha drove until he reached Hansol's house, with Seungkwan being the one who received them both with a huge smile.

The porch lights and those at his best friend's house were off. Had they turned off his electricity? Jisoo just rambled from one idea to another, weaving a huge spider web, not noticing when the room lit up, allowing him to appreciate the streamers that hung from the ceiling, the chains, bows and ribbons that decorated the room, the lavender color predominated in the decorations, Joshua was at the center on the verge of crying, and just seeing Vernon holding a sign that said "Congratulations, you're going to be father" in his native language, tears spilled down his cheekbones, running to hug the youngest.

Jeonghan who couldn't save himself from the shock smiled with teary eyes, his friends were the best. Seokmin soon hugged him and helped him put on a white belt with gold edges similar to the one Hansol placed over Joshua's clothes, making the cookie-scented omega laugh.

The young beta born in New York affectionately kissed Shua's cheek, who hugged him and then allowed himself to be led towards the sofa that was placed in the center where Seokmin and Seungkwan had taken Jeonghan.

As soon as his omega took a seat next to him, the coffee-scented alpha hugged him around the waist, quickly caressing his omega's belly with a touch as delicate as that of a feather.

The one with eyes similar to Bambi's  kissed the alpha's nose who looked in wonder in the direction of his belly.

"Our pups will have thirty weeks tomorrow." The one with angelic features whispered, kissing the cheek of the younger who nodded.

"I was thinking about putting together the crib for you."

"Do you now have peacock syndrome during the courtship season?" Just by hearing that, Jeonghan made a pout that was instantly erased by Jisoo's lips when he gave him a kiss that made him smile. He was too weak when it came to Hong Joshua.

"No, but I'm good at putting things together, my leggos for example." Joshua nodded in complete agreement. Jeonghan was very good at assembling objects, which is why he was surely the successful architect that he was today.

Soonyoung's incessant happy squeals indicated that they had something planned, which they confirmed when they saw him carrying notepads, markers, and a whiteboard in his arms.

The games took place in the blink of an eye, the first as was tradition "the mafia"

Joshua and Seokmin had been chosen as the mafia, while Seungkwan was the policeman and Chan, Jeonghan's cousin, was assigned as the doctor.

As soon as the first round was over, Soonyoung did not take long to accuse Mingyu, while Jun looked very busy seeing where to hide the treasure he had found, Joshua winked at Seokmin who smiled knowingly, discreetly pointing at the young man with slanted eyes.

The alarm on Seungkwan's cell phone rang, they met again in the room after completing the treasure hunt, between accusations, laughter, assumptions and Chan saving his own life in each round, the citizens who became angels were Soonyoung and Jeonghan, who after seeing who the mafia was, could not hide his surprised gasp, which did not go unnoticed by Seungkwan who soon looked with narrowed eyes and furrowed eyebrows at his boss who raised his shoulders with feigned innocence.

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