-Big News-

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River's P.O.V

I hear the morning howl be called. I get up out of my bed, and head into the clearing. I think today I am going to take my attackers out in the snow to practice fighting while in the snow. We have to keep our skills sharp. Right as I am about to tell my attackers the plan, I hear the pack meeting call.

"All wolves old enough to run through the forest gather beneath the cliff for a pack meeting." Storm called. Dusk was sitting next to him, both had a big smile on their face. Once all the wolves had gathered around, they started speaking.

"Dusk and I have some great news," Storm started, his smile getting bigger. "Dusk is going to have pups!" 'Oh my gosh! Dusk is going to have pups!' Cheers were heard from all the wolves, but I think Shade and I were the loudest of them all.

When the meeting had ended, I ran over to Dusk, who was sitting on the cliff.

"Dusk!" I yell. She looks over at me and gives me a big smile. I run over to her and give her a big hug. I look down her stomach. Now up close, I can tell that it was larger than normal. "Wow," I breathe out. "Your first litter!" She nods her head, blushing.

I give my orders to my Attackers, and put Night in charge. He takes them out into the snow, and I stay behind to help Dusk. I bring in a bird, and start plucking its feathers. Once I had done that, I started arranging the feathers in her bed, making it bigger, and fluffier. While I was doing that, Dusk ate the bird. I run back down to the clearing and grab a mouse for her. She was obviously hungery, because she ate the mouse up fast.

"I am so excited to see the pups!" I say. "Me too!" Dusk says. "I am kind of nervous though, it being my first litter and all." "We can understand that, but don't worry! Your pups will have the best traits! Storms Loyalty and bravery, and your gentle and smartness!" I tell her. Both her and Storm blush, looking down at her stomach.

I am feeling so many emotions right now. I am so happy for Dusk! It's her first litter! I am also so excited to see what the pups look like! EEEEEEEKKKK!!

Dusk's P.O.V

I am constantly feeling happy. My first litter! I wonder what my pups will be like. I know one thing for sure, and its that my pups will be beautiful no matter what. I will love them for their looks and their personality, and protect them with my life.

I am very happy knowing that Storm is just as excited as I am, maybe even more. He is so proud and is so happy to be having pups with me. When I had told him I was pregnant, he had been overjoyed. I am so happy that he is happy, and can't wait for the pups to be here!

Storm's P.O.V

I am so, so happy right now! Dusk had just told me this morning when we had woken up! I just, I can't believe I am going to be a father! I am so happy, my first pups with the most beautiful wolf in the pack. The pups will be magnificent!

I am going to teach them everything. How to fight like an Alpha, how to hunt even the biggest of animals, how to scout out anything that seems out of the ordinary and keep watch over their camp. They not just be an Alpha's pup, they will be a hunter, a scout, and an Attacker all in one! They will be able to defend their camp from anything!

I walk over to Dusk, who is sitting in her bed. I look down at her stomach, and give it a little lick. 'My little pups,' I think to myself. I look at Dusk, who looks as if she was thinking the same thing. I give her forehead a little lick, and she responds by giving me a little lick on my cheek.

"Our pups are going to be beautiful," Dusk says. "And strong. They will be able to defend their camp from any threat." I say. She smiles and nods her head.

"Our pups will be great Alphas."


HEY GUYS! I know, I know, smaller chapter, but Puppies are on da waaayy! I want to say really quick that we are not going to be in Dusk's P.O.V as much for some of the upcoming chapters until she has had her pups. Soooo.... ya. ANYWAY, thanks for reading! PEACE!

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