-The Word-

157 13 2

Dusk's P.O.V

I woke up, wondering why the floor below me was different, and why there was a wolf sleeping around me. I then remembered, I was in the Alpha's den with Storm sleeping next to me. He was so warm and comforting, I felt like I didn't want to leave, and that I was supposed to be like this. I kept still, trying not to wake him, but he woke up anyway.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I ask. He smiles and shakes his head. "No, you didn't. How long have you been up?" He asks. "Only a minute." I respond.

He gets up, and walks to the edge of his cave. I stare at him for a second but then realize what I was doing, and look away. He does his morning howl and wolves start coming out from the caves. I then have a great thought come to my mind. I rush down the cliff towards Fawn.

"Hey Fawn?" I say. "What's up, Dusk?" She barks. "I was wondering, could I take the day off today?" I ask. "Sure! Very wolf needs a break sometime. And you have been very busy lately, so go ahead!" "Thanks! Oh, and watch out for Ember. He still could be near our camp." I remind her. "Thanks." She smiles and walks off. 'Yes! Part one of my plan is complete. Now for part two.'

I head back up to the Alpha's den, where Storm is watching the wolves head to their tasks.

"Hey Storm, can I talk to you for a sec?" I say to him when I reach his cliff. "Of course! Is something wrong?" He asks, with a worried expression on his face. "No! Of course not! I was just gonna say, you never did get to go out and hunt that time a while ago. You just ended up, well, injured." I tell him. "So I was just wondering, if, maybe, you, you just wanted to, you know, come on a little hunting trip with me? It would be just you and I, and it's ok if you say no, I would be completely fine, honest! I-" "Dusk," Storm starts.

"That would be wonderful! I would love to just spend the day, hunting and having fun! I feel like I am always stuck here in camp. It would be great to be able to roam around without any injuries this time!" I sigh with relief and smile at him.

"Well come on then! Let's go have fun!" I bound off the cliff and onto the rock pile, all the way down to the entrance with Storm at my tail. I pass by River, who is giving orders to her Attackers, and she gives me a little smile. I bound out the entrance and into the snow. I notice some tracks and slow down to start tracking them.

Storm comes up noticing the tracks too, and we both start following. We follow the tracks to a little rabbit, chewing some leaves, completely unaware of our presence. I start stalking it, and Storm just watches. I right at the last moment go in for the kill and make the catch. A little swip to the neck and it was prey for us!

I push the rabbit to Storm, who looks at me in surprise. "You caught it, so you deserve it." "But you are the Alpha, so you get it." "Fine! But we are sharing it." So we dig in and eat. I have to admit, it was a pretty juicy rabbit. I liked my lips, getting any juices I left behind. 'Yum.'

I look up. It was only sun-high? Wow. I look at Storm. "Ready for some more fun?" I ask him. He lets out a happy bark. "You know I am!" And attacks me. We both start laughing as we play-fight together. He immediately pins me down, mostly because I for one have almost no good attackimg skills, and two, am a runt. Plus he is the Alpha! One of the strongest in the pack. 'And one of the cutest' ok my head needs to shut up!

He nibbles my ear and I shove my paw playfully on his forehead. "Ok! Ok! You got me!" I say, giving up and going limp. "Now you are my prey!" He says, grabbing my scruff and starts pulling me. I let out a giggle and get up, pouncing on him. He pushes me off and lets out a playful growl. I give him one as well, and make the first move, acting like I am about to jump onto him, but at the last moment diving under is paws and knocking him onto the ground.

"Wow! I've never seen that be done before! Can you teach me?" Storm asks. "Sure!" I say. "All you do, is you kind of look up in a way, and pretend to get ready to jump. Then, at the last moment you dive underneath them and grab their legs, knocking them over. Here, try it on me!" Storm starts running at me, exactly as I had just done. He looks up a few times as if he was going to jump over me, and at the last moment dives underneath me and trips me, making me fall to the ground. He takes that chance and pins me down.

"Was that alright?" He asks with a smile. "That was amazing!" I say, beaming with joy. By now it was starting to get dark, and the sunset looked beautiful. We climb one of the smaller hills nearby the camp, and look at it for a sec.

"Wow." Is all I manage to breath out. "Isn't it beautiful?" "Not as beautiful as you, Dusk." Storm says. "Wh-what?" I say, surprised by his last remark. 'Did he just say I was beautiful?' "Dusk, I need to tell you something."

He positions his body so he is facing me directly, and his nose is touching mine. I feel myself starting to blush, and he can tell to, because he starts smiling. "Dusk, I, I, I love you." My eyss widen. But the thing that surprised me the most was what I said next.

"Storm, I love you too."


IF YOU WERE GUESSING STUSK (storm and dusk) WOULD BECOME A THING WELL YOU WERE RIGHT! Yep! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, and I have no idea why so DONT JUDGE ME! Anyway, I am gonna be updating the next part tomorrow morning, so be looking for that! Anyway, see you doods layer! PEACE!

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