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Dusk's P.O.V

Surprisingly, this day has been what should be "normal". I was made Alpha Female 5 sunrises ago, and they have been great. Today, though, things have been calm. What was amazing, though, was that on my hunting task this morning, the hunters and I all caught an elk, a rabbit, and two birds! It was incredible! We are finally going to be able to have another full meal, and be able to feed the whols pack!

I have also been trying to get Storm out on our hunting trips more, since he has just been in that cave forever. I am thinking of asking River to help teach Storm more complicated fighting moves, just to keep his skills up. I don't know why, but I just feel, as if he is going to need those skills soon. Just maybe... No, forget it.

Anyway, today has been great. It is about sunhigh, so the scouts are switching out and taking a quick break. I rush over to Shade, who just came back from her turn.

"Hi Shade!" I bark. "Hi Dusk!" She replies. "Want to share a rabbit with me?" I ask. "Sure!" She barks happily. "I'm starving!"

I pull out a rabbit from the pile of prey in our camp. It's a good size rabbit, and it's juicy. Any wolf who was about to eat looks at me, and wait for me to take a bite. I lean in and take a bit, passing it Shade. The other wolves around me do the same and pass it to their partner, who also take a bite.

Shade takes a huge bite from the rabbit, obviously hungery. "This is delicious!" She barks happily. She passes it to me. I try to take smaller bites, one because I had already eaten today, but two Shade was starving. But I do have to admit, the rabbit was pretty juicy!

We finish the rabbit a few bites later, and I kick the carcass off to the side. Before I do I take a bone from the ribs, and grab a bird for Storm. I had grabbed the bone because, for some reason, knawing on bones really calms me down. And if I feel angery and or in pain, i can take out my anger and stress on the bone when i bite it.

I go into the cave to see Storm laying down in his bed. He raises his head and smiles. He rubs his head against my cheek, and I drop the bird at his feet. "For me?" He asks. I drop the bone next to my bed. "Yep, I was guessing you would be hungery by now." I responded with a small but friendly smile. "Thanks, I just now realized that my stomach was enpty and ready to be filled."

Storm dives into the bird, pull off a few feathers and digging into the belly. The bird was very pretty, and one of the feathers stood out to me. The bird had been a white bird, with a slightly blue-ish hue to it. I had never seen a bird like it around here, so I had decided to catch it. The feather that stood out though was slightly longer than the others, and seemed more blue at the tip than the others. I plucked it out, and grabbing a little bit of cobweb from the corner of the cave, stuck it behinf my ear.

Storm looked up at me. "I like the new look." He said. I lick a bit of blood off his muzzle, and he blushes. "Thanks." I respond. "He licks my nose and I smile, giving a little giggle. I get an idea in my head. "Are you done with the bird?" I ask. "Yes, do you want it?" He asks. I nod my head. He scoots the bird towards me, and heads for the entrance.

Before he leaves, he tells me "I am going to check in with blaze, and maybe go on a patrol with some of the attackers, so I am going to be a while. I will see you later." I smile and nod my head, watching him leave the cave.

Once he had left, I looked down at the bird. "Such pretty feathers, and they shouldn't be wasted." I say to myself. It may take a while, but it would be worth it. My plan was to pluck out as many feathers as I could, and lay them in my bed. I was thinking I could put the more downy-like feathers in the center, on top of my moss, and the more straight and pointy feathers on the outsideand rim of my bed. It may take me a while, but it would all be a worth it in the end.


There! I had finally put in the last feather. I had plucked almost all of the feathers from the bird, and had fit them all into my bed, making it very comfortable! And just in time, for Storm had just arrived in camp, and the sun was starting to set. I then heard a groan. I look down at my stomach and realize that I hadn't eaten for a while.

I go down to the prey pile and pick up another bird, when an idea sparks
I set it back down and get back up to the cliff. I call for a pack meeting, and all the wolves gather around. Storm comes up with a confused look on his face. I give him a look that tells him 'You will see', and apparently he understood, because he nodded and sat down next to me.

"My fellow packmates," I start. "I have come up with an idea that involves much time, but two main benefits to you and I. I have decided that, from now on, any birds we catch, most of their feathers must be pulled out for beds." There were many comfused faces on the wolves, but a few secomds later there faces turned to understanding then excited. The plucking dod take a while, but if we had multiple wolves it would go faster. Plus, it would make it so we are wasting less of our prey, but we now will have more comfortable beds!

Storm looks at me with a happy - surprised face. "Great idea!" He says. I smile, knowing I had just helped out my pack again. I head into Storm and I's now much more comfortable bed, and close my eyes. Storm comes in a few seconds later, and lays down next to me.

"This is way more comfortable than before, great job." He says. "Thanks, good night." I say, licking his nose. "Night." He says back, licking my nose in return. I close my eyes and instantly doze off to sleep.



Hey guys! I finished camp! Horray! I HAVE SO MUCH PLANNED FOR DIS BOOK!! AHHHHHH! Anyway, I will be doing more updates, but becauseof 4th of July this weekend I am not going to be doing a whole lot for a few more days. I will update whenever I can, but I can't guarantee a chapter each day. Alright, thanks for reading! PEACE!

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