-Snow Storm-

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Dusk's P.O.V

Today is looking Stormy, I have the feeling there might be some heavy snow tonight, and I think the prey can sense it too, because on this morning's hunting task, there was no prey to be found. That is bad news for us, because we are already running low on prey, so not finding anything just made that worse. Fawn has even decided that sometime before dusk she is going to go out on her own to find any prey she can. She is a great tracker, so I have faith in her that she will find something.

Things around camp were going ok. Once again the Scouts reported nothing unusual on both the Dawn and Dusk patrol. The Attackers did some training in the camp to keep their strength and skills up. Us Hunters found nothing, though. And Ember took that chance to rub it in my face.

"So, did you guys find any prey today?" He asked, smirking. "No, we didn't." I responed, calmly. "Oh really, and why is that? Are you guys just dumb wolves or something, or are you just to much of a runt to actually help out your pack?" He says, snickering. "I am not a runt!" I scream, though I knew it was true in my head. "I help out my pack just as much as every other wolf does! It doesn't matter that I am weaker or smaller! I still help!" I stop, realizing that I just gave away my weak point to him. He smirks as if he knew exactly what was going through my head. Now there were tears running down my face.

"Why can't you just leave me be?" I ask him, looking down. I watch as tears roll down my face and drop onto the ground. I feel a paw touch my cheek, and I look up. Ember is looking at me with sympathy on his face. But I then feel claws rip into my cheek as he scratches me with an evil grin on his face. He pushes me back and starts walking away. Before he does, he looks back at me and says "You are nothing but a burden to my pack." And turns away. His pack? Since when is he Alpha?

I get up and walk away, but end up running into a wolf. I look up and there is Fawn, just about to leave onto her hunting task. "Are you ok?" She asks me. I shake my head slowly. She leans down and licks the tears off my face, then hugs me. "Dont listen to Ember, he is just an ambitious brute." She tells me, smiling. I smile back. "Thanks Fawn." I say. "Oh, and good luck on your hunting task." "Thanks! I am gonna need it." She replies. She then walks away and out the entrance, right as it starts to snow.

With what feels like hours passed Fawn has still not returned. And I am getting worried. The snow has gotten worse, just as I had predicted. Storm has already sent all the wolves inside their caves for safety, but I think I am going to head out to look for Fawn.

When no wolf is looking, I slip out the entrance. I am immediately blasted with stinging bits of snow. They are blowing so hard it hurts. I look down to see faint wolf tracks that I immediately recognized as Fawn's. Thankfully the snow hasn't covered them up yet, so I am able to follow them. I soon find Fawn leanded up against a tree, trying to shelter herself.

"Fawn!" I yell out, hoping she would hear. Thankfully she does, and turns my direction. I spring towards her and help warm her up. "Wh-what are you doing out here?" She asks, shivering. "It's f-freezing!" "I could ask you the same question." I reply "Now c-come on, before we both f-freeze."

I try to spot my tracks and an thankfully able to spot them. But after we go a ways the tracks have gone. "Th-the tracks are gone!" Fawn says. "Don't w-worry! I mostly went straight from c-camp, so w-we should be able to find it!" I reassure her. I help guide her back towards our camp.

By the time we reach camp it is fully dark out, and we are loving icicles. Wolves come out from the caves happy to see us both alive. Shade and River rush over to me and bring me into my cave, along with Fawn, and start warming me up. Me and Fawn just look at each other, and laugh. We practically have ice mustaches! I give a big shiver as warmth rushes into my body. I set me head down, and give a big sigh. 'These past few weeks have been exhausting.' But I then raise my head and look at Fawn.

"What are we going to do about prey?" I ask her, worry clear in my voice. "We have practically have no prey! We will all starve!" Then she says something onlt a true friend would. "Not with you by my side." "What do you mean?" I ask her. "You, Dusk, are the best Hunter I know, better than me. And I bet if we going hunting first thing tomorrow, I bet we could get enough prey to last us all of tomorrow." She replies, with a satisfied look on her face. "You know what?" I say.

"I bet we can." I smile and set down my head. I then doze off to sleep.



OH MY GLOB GUYS I AM SO EXCITED. YOU WANNA KNOW WHY? BECAUSE THE NEXT CHAPTER I WILL BE POSTING WILL BE PRETTY BIG. I am going to be posting it tomorrow, so be prepared! Lets just say, Ember is going to make a move! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading, and PEACE!


Sorry for any spelling mistakes! I didnt look this over because I am to tired! Anyway, bye!

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