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Hey there! I really quickly wanted to say, this chapter will be telling about what the pack looks like, who is in it, what the surroundings are like, and extra details that are needed to be known all from Dusk's point of view. So pretty much, my wolf, Dusk (see picture), will be telling the story and about her life there. Thanks for reading!

Dusk's P.O.V

Hey there! My name is Dusk, and I will be telling you about my pack! First off, we live in a very snowy place, where there is snow all year round! Pine trees are located everywhere, especially around our camp. Besides camp, our camp is located in a sloped-in clearing, so on all our sides you see slanted rock walls going up about 10 feet. There are 6 caves in our clearing, one houses the hunters, one houses the attackers, and one houses the scouts. The remaining 3 house the Betas and Deltas, the Alpha, and the omegas. Currently the Omegas' den is not in use, for there are no Omegas' in our pack. The Scouts' and Hunters' dens are beneath a giant Pine tree, while the Beta and Deltas' den is behind it slightly. There are two rock piles in the clearing. One that leads to the Attackers' den, and one that leads to the Beta and Deltas' den. The Alpha's den is in the very center of the clearing, right in the middle of the two rock piles, where there is a little cliff that he can jump onto so he can enter his cave.

There are 23 wolves in our pack, 6 are hunters, 6 are scouts, and 6 are attackers. 2 of the remaining 5 are the Deltas', who are mates. The other 2 are the Betas', which are also mates. The final wolf is the Alpha, Storm. Our 6 hunters include Blur, Fang, Stream, Shiver and I. Our Scouts are Shade, Grey, Dust, Berry and Fern. Finally, our Attackers are Crow, Dart, Shadow, Night and River. Ember is the lead Attacker, Fawn is the lead Hunter, and Blaze is the Lead Scout. We then have our Alpha, Storm, and the Betas, which are Echo (female) and Midnight (male). Our Deltas are Ivy (female) and Rain (male). You can probably already tell there is a lot to our camp, but there is still a little bit more.

Here are some rules and things we do in our pack:
- One rule of our pack is that the Alpha gets the first bite of prey before any wolf gets a bit. His/her prey needs to be the best out of the days hunt. Even if you get only one piece of prey during the whole day, it goes to the Alpha, unless he/she objects.
- There is a wake up call sounded by the Alpha, if you do not get up and do your task then, you will not be fed the entire day.
- There is to be Scouts on the borders of the camp, they start at the morning call and switch at sun-high. They then stop their task at Dusk. There are 3 wolves watching the bounderies for loners or any sort of threat. All scouts take a break for a quick nap or prey at sunhigh.
-Attackers join the Scouts for a patrol around the borders of the camp right before, and right after sun-high, so right before and right after the Scouts break, each time using 3 different Scouts and Attackers.
-Hunters go for a hunting patrol at the wake up call, and right before dusk, and if they are in dear need of food, they will have a hunting patrol go out at sunhigh.

Alright, so there is my pack taken care of, now lets talk a little bit about me and my friends River and Shade! I am Dusk, and I am a white wolf with a silver back (see picture on first page) I was born with blue eyes, but they have been known to change color. My friends say I am the Shy, Quiet and sensitive kind, but am pretty smart. I am also one of the best hunters in the pack! Fawn said when she, *gulp* d-dies, I would become the next lead hunter! I guess I am pretty good at hunting because of how small and quiet I am, and how I can run really fast in a matter of seconds!

My friend River is a beautiful grey wolf, kind of like a stone in a river. She is a great attacker! She is a big, strong wolf too! When Ember has tried attacking and bullying me, she has been there by my side with Shade, ready to help me stand up to him.

Shade on the other hand is a grey wolf as well. Wondering why she was named Shade? At the top of her back she is a very dark grey, almost black, but as you go down her legs she fades into an almost white color! She is a great Scout, she can completely hide herself in the snow and you won't see her at all! I think she has always been Blaze's favorite, but I think that's because he has a bit of a crush on her! When she is not out keeping watch she is hanging with me and River!

That's pretty much all you need to know about my pack. If there are any questions about it, ask me in the comments section and I will try to answer your question the best I can! Thanks for reading this! Peace out!

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