Chapter 23

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Feeling trapped, I reluctantly followed Chris, I.N, and Changbin back to the mansion. The weight of their words hung heavy in the air, but I resolved to hear them out before making any decisions. Deep down, though, I knew nothing they could say would convince me to stay. I'd reached my limit with their excuses and empty gestures.

I re-enter the mansion, trailing just behind Chris, I.N, and Changbin.

Upon entering, Felix sprang up from the couch with a mixture of relief and concern evident in his voice. "Seven, you're safe!" he exclaimed, joined by Minho's "We were worried." which was calm, disguising his neutral expression. I avoided their gaze, feeling their pretend concern only deepening my determination to leave.
Why act like they cared about my absence even for a moment?

"Sit." Chris commanded icily, gesturing towards the singular couch. As I complied, they all gathered around me, their eyes fixed on me with unwavering intensity. Changbin glanced at his watch which seconds later, signals the return of Han and Hyunjin through the front door. It was clear he had been waiting for them to join the conversation.

"Is everything settled?" Changbin inquires, his gaze serious as he looks up at the others.

"Yeah, he'll wake up behind a dumpster, sober, and not remember anything." Han responds, his voice soft and gentle as he settles onto the couch.

"And he'll also wake up with a drawn-on unibrow and mustache." Hyunjin adds with a chuckle, sinking into the couch beside Han, appearing both relaxed and exhausted.

"Very mature." Changbin retorts, rolling his eyes, while Hyunjin continues to snicker to himself.

I can't help but try and visualize an image of the drunken man with a drawn-on unibrow and mustache.

"Okay, let's refocus." Chris interjects, his words casting a palpable chill over the room. All eyes turn to me once again, intensifying my nervousness. I hadn't anticipated returning here so soon; I just want this ordeal to be over with.

"Seven." Felix begins, leaning in and drawing a deep breath. "What you might have wasn't what actually happened."

"It was a misunderstanding." Minho adds, his gaze carrying a hint of sympathy as he locks eyes with me.

"A misunderstanding?" I whisper to myself, feeling a wave of confusion wash over me. I'm certain of what I heard. How could it possibly be a misinterpretation? I'm left grappling with the contrast between what I heard and their assertion of a misunderstanding.

"You see, we were discussing the possibility of finding you a place of your own once all this is over." Chris explains, maintaining steady eye contact. "And since Minho's father owns most of the property..." He trails off, glancing briefly at Minho before returning his gaze to me with a soft smile. "We thought that would make things easier."

My eyes widen, and I let out a slight gasp. So that's what the meeting was about...They were discussing finding a place for me? To live in? I had feared they would abandon me in the middle of nowhere, leaving me to fend for myself because they'd no longer be obligated to protect me. Perhaps I did misunderunderstand...
Or maybe I just heard what I wanted to hear.

"It's obvious you wouldn't survive on your own." I.N inserts with a cold tone, earning a nudge from Changbin. "What? It's true." I.N retorts, rolling his eyes.

"The point is, Seven." Changbin begins, leaning forward in his seat, "we never once considered abandoning you."

My heart begins to pound heavily, and I take in small breaths, trying to remain calm amidst these unexpected words. But hearing them fills me with an overwhelming sense of relief and happiness. I can't believe I jumped to conclusions so quickly.

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