Chapter 4: The Musician

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I found myself revealing a part of my recent escape while waiting to settle the bill for the items he had graciously bought for me. It wasn't my intention, but the sheer awkwardness of the situation compelled me to share. Picture this – me, meandering the streets alone in a nightgown, barefoot. It seemed only fitting to acknowledge my escape, especially as I grew more acquainted with him and realized he wasn't the type of person to lead me back to that place.

"So, you're an orphan," he stated bluntly as we exited the store.

I couldn't disprove his observation, so I couldn't muster any offense. It was just peculiar to hear it stated so matter-of-factly. Nevertheless, conversing with him had a certain refreshing quality.

"I never imagined an assassin like you casually strolling into a shop." I teased.

He walked with purpose, looking ahead. "Everyone in this town knows me."

Observing him stride ahead, then glancing back at me, he assured, "I am not a threat."

I had already suspected that he wasn't a danger to me. He hadn't given me any reason to think otherwise, particularly since his motives excluded harm towards women.

Drawing closer to him, I leaned in to meet his gaze. "So, have you taken out men with that weapon before?"

It was a question worth asking. Was he a ruthless killer or a vigilante delivering justice with his weapons?

"I suppose you could say that," he replied in a tone that suggested it was all in a day's work. His response was surprisingly nonchalant.

"What?!" I exclaimed, taken aback. "I suppose?"

His eyes seemed to shimmer in the dim light, the wind brushing through us. His brown eyes transforming into a mesmerizing fantasy blue under the moon's glow at a certain angle. It was an unusual sight, I couldn't dismiss it.

"All I do is give men a warning," he breathed. "They are the ones who end up tormenting themselves to death."

His demeanor shifted, sending a shiver within me. Was he implying that his mere presence could drive men to self-destruction? The thought was unsettling, and I couldn't help but gulp nervously.

"Don't be scared, love," he reassured, bending down towards me.

Despite my racing heart, I tried to calm myself. Why was I feeling this unease? He wasn't going to harm me...right? But his earlier words lingered, creating a sense of fearfulness.

"I only deal with men who slip through the cracks of the flawed justice system." he clarified.

The world outside appeared harsher than I had imagined. I exhaled deeply, maintaining eye contact. "So, do criminals simply walk free?"

He paused, contemplating my question of the harsh world I had yet to fully grasp.

There was so much about the real world that I desired to understand. Isolated for so long, I'd only interacted with the same group of individuals daily. We all wore the same bland personalities, yet carried our own thoughts. Memories of my former best friend surfaced. I hadn't hesitated to end her life, but were women not considered wicked beyond those gates? Why does Chris exclusively only target men?

Returning his gaze to me, his eyes narrowed, a hint of a smile beneath his mask. "Let's go."

He seemed to sidestep my question, steering the conversation elsewhere. His silence fetched volumes, hinting at the mystery that covered his identity as an assassin. Despite my curiosity, I chose to let the matter rest for now.

"Where are we headed?"

He maintained his pace, leaving me to follow in his speed. His brisk stride hinted at the ability of an assassin, leaving me slightly breathless.

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