Chapter 2

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As I stood there, my legs trembled beneath me, my eyes unable to believe the horror unfolding before me. I had taken every precaution to ensure the crime remained untraceable, so why had Thirty-six broken her silence?

"It happened right in front of me!" Thirty six cried out, her voice choked with tears. "I tried to stop her, but it was too late!"

Understanding dawned on me. She had falsely accused me of murdering Twenty-seven, deceiving Master to believe her tale.

But why? She had no risk of exposure. What motivated her betrayal?

"Master... I... I swear-" I struggled to speak, already sensing disbelief in his eyes. Stepping back, fear engulfed me. "I didn't... I didn't..."

"I think she had feelings for Twenty-seven!" Thirty-six continued through her tears. "And she couldn't handle the rejection!"

Pain pierced me as I regarded her. How could she betray our friendship? I had aided her, despite the risks. While I had flouted rules before, they were minor transgressions. This accusation, however, was grave.

Summoning courage, I confronted Thirty-six. "Why are you lying?"

Avoiding my gaze, she wiped her tears, her guilt palpable.

"See! I told you she'd deny it!" She accused, tears still streaming. "I said from the beginning that Seven is trouble!"

Had she planned this betrayal all along? Was our friendship a façade? It felt like a cruel awakening after years of isolation.

"I knew she should have been removed sooner!"

Her words stunned me. Glaring at her, I now understood her motive. She coveted Master's favor and resented my presence. She sought my demise to claim the spotlight.

"You know the rules, Seven." Master interjected sternly, releasing my hand. Stumbling backward, I faltered.

"But, Master, I-"

"Twenty-seven was vital for tomorrow's experiment," he stated firmly, cutting me off.

My voice caught. No defense could salvage the situation. To Master, I was a mere tool, disposable. Despite my desire to earn his approval, I faced inevitable condemnation.

Tears welled, but I refused to succumb. These traitors didn't deserve my sorrow.

Master approached, his expression foreboding. This was the end. He had no reason to retain me. Although my demise awaited after the final test, I didn't envision this mortifying fate.

As Master extended his arm menacingly, darkness enveloped us abruptly. Gasping, I found myself in pitch-blackness, obscuring even the faces of my betrayers. Silence ensued until the sound of unlocking doors echoed through the hallway. Doors meant for troubled souls swung open automatically.

Soon, an emergency siren blared, signaling chaos. I had heard it once before, a distant memory from childhood. It indicated dire circumstances.

Unassigned individuals fled their cells, joining the tumultuous chaos. Master departed hastily, leaving me stranded. Perhaps he'd attempt to find the instigator of this chaos in the main lab.

Placing a hand over my chest, I drew a deep breath. Had fortune favored me? The mysterious person might have just saved my life.

Time was of the essence; I had to escape. Darting toward the terrace adjoining the office, I surveyed the scene below. The main doors had unlocked, unleashing chaos onto the streets. A laugh escaped me—a chance for freedom.

"Don't even consider it," a familiar voice interjected.

I turned to confront Thirty-six, her presence an unwelcome intrusion.

"Just because they have a chance doesn't mean you do," she admonished.

Meeting her gaze, I remained impassive. "And who will stop me?"

Undeterred, she advanced. I knew her secret—her fear of heights. Swiftly seizing her wrist, I pressed her against the railing. Panic engulfed her as I reveled in her terror.

"What?" I taunted. "Did you expect that I was the one who'd fall?"

Her pleas fell on deaf ears. "Please!...don't do this...we can work things out! I was just kidding about earlier...we're still friends right?" Her rambling annoyed me. I don't care what she has to say anymore. All that's left in my eyes was a plain, blank expression. Showing no emotion. Betrayed and abandoned, she had forfeited any sympathy. With a final glare, I shoved her over the edge, her scream fading into the chaos below. She was inconsequential now, lost amidst the mayhem.

Returning to my senses, I realized time was scarce. This was my chance to escape the underground labyrinth.

Racing back into the office, I seized a circular band from the desk, hastily tying my hair, despite it still being all over the place. Amidst the uproar, I couldn't afford delay. As I fled down the hallway, memories flooded back—martial arts training in building four. I can hold my own, knowing I participated in that activity.

Accepting death had been premature; freedom beckoned. The chaotic streets teemed with unbridled frenzy. Master's warning echoed in my mind—outside lays untold dangers.

Colliding with a figure, I draw back. A tall man, his features hidden as he refused eye contact. Something had fell from his shirt and as I bend to pick it up, he muttered a curt apology in a cold, dark tone. "Sorry." He vanishes into the hallway.
Retrieving the item that had just fallen, I realize that it's a nametag. I recognized the name straight away: Sky.

He was no ordinary guard, nor a test subject. Intrigue gripped me—what role did he play? I think back to the moment I had ran into him. A small flashback plays in my mind. There was a name underneath the name tag that had fallen. "Seungmin..."

His name wasn't a number given by master nor was it an object of the universe. He carried a normal name. I want to look back as my curiousity gets the better of me but I quickly stop myself. I can't let myself get distracted. I won't recieve another chance quite like this escape.

With resolve, I pressed forward, reaching the main gates. Years of longing culminated in this moment. I look back behind me as a way of saying my final goodbye to this terrible prison. Leaving this place had only been a silly little dream...and now the time had finally come. I swallow a deep breath as I swift back towards the gates. Pushing the heavy doors open, I stepped into the unknown.

The streets, once a distant dream, now sprawled before me. Death and chaos reigned—a sobering reminder of the world beyond Master's domain.

Seeking refuge in an alley, I savored the peace. Escaping had been a near impossibility, yet here I stood—free.

As I gazed at the moonlit sky, a rustle behind me shattered the silence. Before I could react, a blade sliced the ground, inches from me. Heart racing, I confronted the attacker.

A masked figure emerged from the shadows on the roof, his presence ominous. Though a mere girl, I sensed danger in his demeanor.

"You're just a girl," he remarked, his tone chilling. "My apologies."

As he jumped into the light, off the narrow building so casually, his identity remained shrouded with a black mask. With sharpened arrows at the ready, he released menace.

I took in his appearance and my mind suddenly wandered off. I've read about a character such as this in my fairytale novels. Could it be?

An actual assassin?

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