Chapter 14

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"It's not like we're related by blood or anything..."

Chris's childhood flashback:

I was adopted into the Bahng family when I was just five years old. I don't remember much of what happened before then; it's all really a blur. My adoptive father saved me when I was on the brink of death, bringing me home from behind a church where I had collapsed, malnourished.

Both my adoptive parents showered me with love, and for the first time in my life, I felt happiness. I felt that I could let my guard down...

That is until....

"YOU'LL NEVER BE AN ASSASSIN!" His voice boomed as he pushed me to the floor while I was practicing my techniques. "YOU AREN'T STRONG ENOUGH!"

I met Changbin, the son of my adoptive dad's brother. He was always well-behaved around the family, never saying much. I thought it might be okay to introduce myself to him because we were cousins after all...but he didn't see me that way.

Every day, I was tormented by Changbin and his friends, whether at school or at home, as his father lived nearby. We grew up in the same neighborhood.

"Is that him?" I heard whispers as I entered school one morning. "Isn't he just adopted?"

My heart pounded; I knew they were talking about me. How did they find out? I didn't talk much in school. I only started going when I was about 8. By then, everyone had their own groups, and year after year, I was a loner.

"He thinks he can take over the family name?" The mocking whispers continued. "I feel bad for his parents."

As I walk into the classroom, all eyes turn in my direction, and I gulped nervously.

"His family's reputation is going downhill."

I tried to ignore it, but panic raged inside me. I was the center of attention, and not in a good way. Being talked about and stared at like this was my biggest fear come true.

When I reached my desk and took my bag off my shoulder, I was introduced to horror. My entire desk was scribbled and written in marker: "Assassin wannabe." "Just an adopted loser." "Going to die before he even gets into position." "He is just the backup son."

Everyone laughed as my heart pounded, looking at the hurtful words. Some were so painful to read that I wouldn't want to remember them.

I never wanted to be an assassin at first, but one day, I stumbled upon my dad in a hidden room in the yard. He was in attire that frightened me, practicing some stance with real bladed arrows on his back. I gasped as I took in the scene but he smiled when he saw me, bending down to meet me at eye level. "Christopher, I'm going to tell you a little secret."

And that was the day I wanted to be just like dad. The thought of being a backup son still lingered in the back of my mind. What if mother got pregnant with a son and I wasn't needed anymore? But regardless, I started training, giving it my all to make my parents proud.

"Do you get the hint yet?" Changbin's sharp voice cut through my thoughts as he stood in the doorway. "You'll never be like your fake dad!"

I knew Changbin was cruel, but this was beyond what I had imagined him capable of. He hated me so much that he turned the entire school, who barely knew of my existence, against me. I clenched my fists, holding back tears as I breathed nervously.

"So you might as well quit while it's still early." he smirked as the entire class witnessed this, standing alongside his friends Hyunjin & Han, who contributed in tormenting me. Though, they weren't as bad. They were just always on Changbin's side, no matter what.

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