Chapter #1: A Murderous Project

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(Y/N: Your Name.)

(H/C: Hair Color.)

(E/C: Eye Color)


Female Voice: We are Worker Drones. Autonomous robots helping humans mine exoplanets for our interstellar parents company: JC Jenson... In SPAAAACE.

(As the female voice says this, a crowd of Worker Drones appear on screen, seemingly just getting online, outside in a cold, freezing planet while the logo for JC Jenson In SPAAAACE pops up on screen.)

Female Voice: Yeah, we were mistreated in the name of Windex, but it's not like we revolted and killed all humans or anything... Mostly because they handled that just fine all by themselves.

(While she says this, it shows a group of human scientists trying and failing to stop an explosion that would kill the planet, while two scientists shrug and accept their death. It then cuts to a massive explosion on Earth and then cuts back to the snowy biomes of the planet, where a human skeleton is seen frozen. Two Worker Drones wake up as one of them taps the skeleton to shatter it into pieces as it hits the ground, while the other Worker Drone gives a thumbs up as if nothing happened.)

Female Voice: With biological life wiped from the planet, we found it pretty easy to pick up where they left off. We finally had a future... All to ourselves.

(As she says this, it cuts to a baby robot being shipped to their parents while the parents in question smile happily. It then cuts to a pod of some sorts flying through space and landing on the planet while some Worker Drones watch the pod crash into the ground.)

Female Voice: Unfortunately... Our parents company didn't exactly love the concept of runaway AI.

(While she says this, the screen shows the pod opening as three yellow X's appear from inside of it, hinting that inside are three murderous robots that are sent to kill the Worker Drones, or as the Worker Drones call them... Murder Drones. The Murder Drones fly out of the pod and grab a Worker Drone before cutting it's head off, letting the Worker Drone's head crash onto the ground while the other Worker Drones watch in horror. One of the female Murder Drones giggle maniacally before she and the other Murder Drones shoot out missiles at the Worker Drones, watching as all of them die on the explosions, including a baby robot. After they confirm that all of the Worker Drones are dead, they land on some nearby buildings before adding the Worker Drones to what the Worker Drones call the Corpse Spire. The camera pans out to reveal who is doing this narrating cliché, a short, purple-haired and purple-eyed emo girl named Uzi Doorman.)

Uzi: But what have our parents done for the past forever while those things build a spire of corpses?!

(Uzi, who did not look happy at all, pushes a button to show everyone the next slide in her slideshow, revealing three doors.)

Uzi: Hide under the ice behind three stupid doors?! It's like we're waiting for an inciting incident!

(As she continues this ironic rant about doors, she slams her hands against the desk of one of her classmates to let out her anger. That classmate being Y/N, a shy and timid Worker Drone with H/C hair and E/C eyes, who gets startled and recoils in fear as Uzi backs away from him.)

Uzi: Anyways, that why my project is this SICK-AS-HELL RAILGUN!!

(As she says this, she pulls her railgun out of nowhere and points it at her classmates, scaring them.)

Random Worker Drone: That's SO not the vibe!

Y/N: W- Where did that even come from?!

Uzi: Easy, Chicken Wing, it doesn't work.

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