Chapter #4: A Killer Date

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Yay! Glitch Productions reached 10 Million subscribers when I was writing this chapter!

(S/E/C: Sister's Eye Color)

(After waking himself up again, it was time for a daily dose of bullying. After cleaning up the broken glass from the photo yesterday, Y/N walks out of his room and goes through the hall before getting tripped and falling on the ground. Then another bully picked him up to go to the bathroom and, yep, this is the exact same tricks that they used yesterday, right down to getting locked in his locker, which he head-butts open and walking out of it. He got a tiny little scratch from the head-butt that he did, but it was too small and insignificant to care. Like his di- And no, that was not some random joke about not getting a girl because, guess what? The prom was happening tonight. Yay, yet another reminder of his lack of relationships and low self-esteem! While Y/N was getting his stuff in his locker, a couple of Worker Drones walked past him and Uzi, the latter of which got tripped by the female of the two Worker Drones, making Uzi mad as she throws a book at the two, but instead hits Braiden... Who still has the fire from yesterday on his head. Put it out, my dude! You've been around snow your whole life, what's stopping you now?!)

Female Worker Drone: Yeah. Meeting Brad in an hour. Can you imagine going to prom alone?

Male Worker Drone: Hah. I'd be all like: "I don't deserve happiness."

(As the two other Worker Drones walked away, Uzi picks up her book and puts it in her locker.)

Y/N and Uzi: Thanks for rubbing it in, jerks.

(As they both sigh, Y/N decides to just risk it at this point and ask Uzi out. Who knows? Maybe she'll accept.)

Y/N: U- Um... Hey, Uzi, can we-

Uzi: No.

(Wow, that was a quick and easy rejection. Uzi then walks away while Y/N just facepalms and shrugs.)

Y/N: Yep. Expected.

(Just then, Y/N hears Uzi say something just out of hearing range, but he couldn't quite figure out what she was saying.)

Uzi: M- Maybe if I was in your league, then...

Y/N: You said something?

Uzi: NOPE! Nothing! You didn't hear anything! Bye!

(And with that, Uzi runs off to leave Y/N alone, leaving himself asking one question.)

Y/N: What? Just? Happened?

(He just shrugs and leans onto a wall to try and rest for a little bit before looking over to see something that caught his eye and recoiling in fear a bit, realizing that he was standing right next to a bunch of missing posters of his other classmates.)

Y/N: W- W- W- What the? What happened?! Didn't me, N and Uzi destroy that pile of rotten hot dog fillings yesterday?

Writer's Note: If you ever have an obsession or addiction to hot dogs for some reason, look up videos of how hot dogs are actually made. That method is incredibly effective.

(Y/N looks around to see the janitor mopping up blood and see... A red version of the Absolute Solver symbol turning a camera the other way. If he remembers correctly, the Absolute Solver symbol is always color-coordinated with the eye color of the drone that it has infected. Like the purple Absolute Solver symbol from Uzi's mom. In fact, he is pretty sure that he briefly saw a S/E/C Absolute Solver symbol from S/N yesterday. So it has to be a drone whose eye color is red. And the only drone at this school who has that eye color is... Oh, Robo-Jesus, Doll is infected with the Absolute Solver! He runs away as fast as he can go so that he can get to his room safely and slams his door shut, staying in his bedroom to try and calm down, although it's very difficult because of the fact that one of his only acquaintances has the Absolute Solver! This is not good. This is not good in the slightest damn definition! He then suddenly has flashbacks about tiny details what happened. Him falling off a cliff. Him ripping the wing off of a Murder Drone. His family dying by the hands of the Murder Drones and... A yellow Absolute Solver symbol. He starts to have a panic attack as he grabs a paper bag and breathes heavily through it, to the point where the bag pops from the sheer force of his breath. He sighs and starts to play video games to try and relax. He sits there for around half an hour until he hears the doorbell ring.)

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