Chapter #2: It's a Drone-Eat-Drone World

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(Ah, crap, here we go again. As Y/N and Uzi watch the Murder Drone somehow regeneration from getting its head disintegrated, they can't help but feel a sense of dread, feeling as if they should run away. But as the Murder Drone's head completely regenerated and the Murder Drone seems to be deactivated, Uzi grabs a Worker Drone's dismembered arm and walks over to the Murder Drone, getting ready to hit it.)

Y/N: W- Wait, wait, wait! Uzi! No-

(Y/N tries to tell Uzi not to hit the Murder Drone, but it was too late at Uzi practically bonks the Murder Drone on the head like a dog getting hit with a newspaper. The hit seemed to have reactivated the Murder Drone, as it wakes up and sees Uzi standing next to it with the arm of a Worker Drone.)

Murder Drone: Did you just slap me with that arm?

Uzi: Holy crap, it talks.

Y/N: No, no, no, no, no, no. S- She didn't slap you with the arm. She was just... Saving it as a snack for later.

Murder Drone: Oh, okay. I'm not mad or anything like that, it's just that... My head kinda hurts.

(Uzi, confused by what Y/N is saying, wonders why he would say that she would save the arm and oil of a Worker Drone as a snack for later. She's not a Murder Drone, she's a Worker Drone. Why would he tell it that?)

Uzi: What are you?

(Y/N realizes that she doesn't know what he's talking about and whispers into her ear to clear things up.)

Y/N: Psst, it doesn't actually know.

(Uzi realizes what is going on and puts a fake smile on her face, despite how nervous she is.)

Murder Drone: Hey. Are you two new to our squad? You guys are a little, uh...

(The Murder Drone tries to scan them to see what they are, only to see black voids with yellow question marks replacing them on his visor.)

Murder Drone: ...Short for Disassembly Drones.

(The atmosphere tenses up a bit as the Murder Drone tries to figure out who or what they actually are, but eventually ignores its suspicions and puts on a happy-go-lucky attitude.)

Murder Drone: I'm Serial Designation N! Nice to meet you! I'm kinda the leader of the squad in this city... That's not true. Everyone tells me I'm useless and terrible. Wait... I'm not supposed to tell you that part! Biscuits! Well, honesty is the best policy.

('N' chuckles after his joke, but Uzi and Y/N just feel bad for him. Hell, the latter relates to N in a way. He relates to... A Murder Drone. How did his life take such an insane turn so quickly?)

N: I also can't seem to remember the past three hours of my life. Ah, but I'm sure that will sort itself out! 😁

(While N chuckles to himself again, Y/N and Uzi only have one thought on their minds. "How in the name of Robo-Jesus is a Murder Drone this kind and silly?")

Uzi: Uh-huh. We, uh... Have to... Go.

(She says while pointing the dismembered Worker Drone's arm in the direction of where she and Y/N are supposed to go. The weirdest and funniest part about it was that the Worker Drone's arm actually pointing its index finger to the place where they are supposed to go as well. How did it do that and why is it so funny. Y/N couldn't stop chuckling to himself when he saw the Worker Drone's arm pointing its index finger to the right, earning a glare from Uzi that makes his tense up in fear before he continues chuckling. But he quickly stopped chuckling however once Uzi winced in pain and dropped the Worker Drone's arm. The nanite acid from earlier wasn't gonna stop hurting now.)

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