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Rhea/Demi- 25

-no one pov-

Demi was going out tonight for some drinks with her new group the judgment day. Normally she would have to hire a babysitter or ask a friend to look after Boo.

But this time around her new boyfriend Matthew would be looking after her, Matt and Becca only meet a few times all with Demi around them both.

Demi was in the bathroom applying makeup  for her night out when Boo walks in looking up at her mother "mummy?" Demi looks down at her daughter, Boo was 9 but was a very short girl which was surprising as Demi was quite tall herself.

"Yes my baby" she put her makeup brush down and pick Boo up placing her on the counter, picking her brush up again applying her bronzer "dont leave me" Boos voice was quiet and upset looking at her lap. Demi sighed and placed her makeup down once again "baby you know I dont like leaving you but mummy needs time with her friends, plus Matt will be here you like him, right?" Boo looks back up at her mother and nods before getting closer and hugging her tight and hiding her face just below her chest making Demi chuckle a little.

It was now time for Demi to leave which was always the hardest part leaving. Matt was now here stood by the door as Boo was attached to her mother "boo baby come on mummy has to go" she gently stroked her daughters hair then picks her up "now you be good mummy loves you, I'll see you in the morning" she passes Boo to Matt as Boo desperately tries to get to her mother. Demi gives Boos a kiss on the cheek then Matt a kiss as she leaves.

Boo was upset at her mothers absence, still in Matts arms they go to the sofa. He set her down sitting next to her "your mother told me you like pasta" he smiled and Boo wiped her wet eyes and nods shyly "well so do i" he smiles again as Boo looks at him "how about we eat some pasta and watch a movie" there was a pause before and nods again, Matt gets up holding his out for Boo who shyly took it.

They both sat on the sofa eating their food and watching a movie, after some time Boo cuddled up to Matt at first he was surprised and shocked but soon smiled and wrapped and arm around her "Matt?" He humed im acknowledgement "i want you to know your my favorite out of all of my mummys boyfriends" Matts heart hurt with the love he had "i am glade i like you amd your mother very much" he smiles and they watch the movie cuddled up.

It was now bed time as Boo was getting tired "tired Becca?"Matt asks as she cuddles more into him eyes closing then opening. She nods her head "yeah" he smiled softly picking her up "Good thing your in your pjs" Boo buried her head into his shoulder slowly falling asleep.

Matt smiles as he lays her into her bed and pulls her covers over as she snuggles down  he walks away "night daddy" he stops when he hears this turning around seeing Boo with her eyes closed half asleep "night baby" he turns the light off leaving her door a little open and sits on the sofa. Boo calling him dad still in his head, he was definitely telling Demi this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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